Omar Bradley Little

Man! I feel like a woman (who only makes 78 cents per every dollar a man makes)!

That headline made it sound like there was a club in Boston with really inexpensive prostitutes. But i figured if that was the case the boss would have added the locations to the bus’s GPS already.

I can’t believe that Jezebel published an article celebrating the kind of bullshit privileged white feminism that disregards the experience of anyone who isn’t white and/or of the bourgeoisie class, all with a cute little disclaimer near the bottom saying “Don’t try if you can’t look white and rich, tee hee” and that

Not sure how long you’ve been commenting here but Jezzies are known for making exceptions to their views if the man in question is a white guy they’ve deemed hot.

I had something traumatic happen to me in college and choose to do my thesis about it. It was a way to take the power of healing into my own hands and to deal with it on my own terms. Years later, I turned that thesis into a memoir that I put on a public website. This wasn’t the type of thing I could prosecute for,

Let's not forget about making vocational training free too. People shouldn't have to shell out large amounts of tuition to get technical skills either.

Josiah Bartlet.

I think you should get that tattoo’d on your wrist so you don’t forget.

mine’s along the lines of “what detective series can I mainline offa netflix this weekend?”

Well, fuck that. *reaches for TV remote*

Yes! They did this for my boyfriend in high school - he must have been turning 20 or so (he was in college.) He got really embarrassed and I was jealous, because of course what the fuck did I know back then.

Fight that omnipresent male beauty industry, dadbods! Burn your bras! Take back the night!

This is strange... do I know you? Because that describes me to a tee. XD


I did like when the McCann CEO said something about Don just wandering off Roger’s reply was just Just to shrug and say he does that.

“The Wire” was one of the best TV series ever! I couldn’t shut up about it for a while.

It’s against the law to have sex in public. Restrooms are not private sanctuaries where laws do not apply. Do you disagree with the law and think public sex is a-ok? Or think that bathrooms are a get-out-of-jail-free space? Or both?

This one gets an A+ for creativity but makes me sad too. If only the beta had gone on to a better home, maybe a farm in the country where it could run and play with other fish?