Omar Bradley Little

Just like fancy hand towels!

I had been 16 for less than a month when I started working at a dairy queen. We kept the dilly bars and ice cream sandwiches in a freezer underneath the counter with the cups and blizzard toppings on it, so when I was standing at the register taking orders it was behind me. A man came in asking about mint dilly bars

I rode in an elevator with James Marsters once. It was just him and his GIANT handler, and he only let my friend and me on. I didn’t know who he was at the time but she was silently fangirling out for 30 floors. No one spoke.

thank you.

sadness. I’m a huge fan as well and have seen the Hiero crew killing’ it in multiple incarnations. I sympathize in complete bummersville....

Let me save some nerds a lot of time...

“we are billion year old carrrrbon”

Good close read. I wonder if, given the amount of sexual “ooz(ing)“ that her parents do (barf), Sally responds by playing down her sexuality. The only time we really saw her go for a more adult look was in the miniskirt and full makeup when the family with two boys was visiting during the moon landing.

It’s a bummer that you mistakenly feel like people can only care about one thing at a time AND that you think animals are merely some sort of Cartesian clockwork tool you can dispose of when they are no longer “useful.” I see your smug self-righteousness and raise you an “I think your callous disregard for life is

Lol mine too... Did you mean ‘a fourth that is six years younger than the second kid’?

Just watched this last night! It was amazing. I had to stop watching and save it for this morning after a while... Not because it’s scary but because its emotionally intense. So good! And the child actor is amazing!! Perfectly annoying and sweet.

I think I’m gonna go for it!

I’ve really been wanting to watch it and I was so excited to see it added to Netflix! I want to watch it now but I’m home alone and it’s getting dark.... is it super scary? I’m not a total wuss, I love horror, but sometimes stuff gets in my head.

What the fuck fuck fuck? I’m horribly creeped out. I swear I just finished watching the Babadook about two minutes ago. I needed some happy stuff for my brain so I clicked on this article and scrolled down and what’s the first thing I see? A Babadook comment. Thank you so much for robbing me of sleep tonight.

That sounds like one i’d like!

I am a total wimp when it comes to scary movies but I really wanna see this! I’ve read so many good things about it but was too scared to see it on the big screen when it was in my town. But it’s on Netflix now, right?

Wasn’t it fantastic? I watched it bc I lurve Essie Davis, but hadn’t seen her in a role like that. She totally blew me away!

Jesus. Christ. What an entitled fucking toddler.

The crazy priest who performed my father’s funeral started his homily with, “John __ was a sinner ...”. I was boiling mad. Also, the funeral home put so much make up on him that he looked like a drag queen.

But...but...she wants to live like common people, she wants to do whatever common people do...