Right? I travel and LOVE my simple old Kindle. Get books instantly, save money, and don't lug around tons of paper. Not sure what the issue is here. Not able to humblebrag by people seeing you're reading Tolstoy?
Right? I travel and LOVE my simple old Kindle. Get books instantly, save money, and don't lug around tons of paper. Not sure what the issue is here. Not able to humblebrag by people seeing you're reading Tolstoy?
Because I know that someone in the comments will talk about how dangerous it is to be a police officer, just wanting to come home alive, etc.
It is more dangerous to be employed as a landscaper in America than it is to be employed as police officer. This is a fact that is true and is verifiable.
I'm just going to flag this one, because it is my most hated statement of "fact" and angers me to my core:
The big picture here is that there’s no correct usage for the phrase at all, because if you can control it, THEN IT’S NOT FUCKING DESTINY.
She’s right, though. I sprung fully-grown from my father’s forehead at about age 25. #Athena
You know, I take serious issue with the fact we are calling this idiotic. The jokes he wrote weren’t funny, and they were definitely antisemitic and weirdly misogynistic for literally no reason. It didn’t even improve the stupid, shitty jokes. Had he been, say, a Republican staffer who was making inappropriate…
There’s a difference between scripted and fake.
Not my hometown, but I lived in Taos for a time. I still miss it terribly (the food! the landscape! the sunsets!), but there is plenty to criticize about it. I wish I could go back an visit more often, though. :-)
I really like that comparison - chile for New Mexicans is so very specific. I was reading a blog recipe where a New Yorker rhapsodized about eating at a (NM-raised, currently Brooklyn-based) friend’s house, how awesome the Hatch chile was, and how she begged some off him and my first thought was, “Wow, they must be…
I moved from New Mexico after graduate school to Tucson then now to Houston. No one has real red chile enchiladas...it’s all Tex Mex and they call everything here tacos, serving eggs and “red sauce” [side eye] on sad corn tortillas or super thin or greasy flour tortillas. I went back home last summer for and cried…
I’m a Burqueña down to the marrow in my bones, and we’ve chosen to settle here for the time being. This town has Capital-P Problems, but it’s home, y’know? However, when the cops shoot another guy, or another toddler dies from abuse at UNMH, I think it’s time to get the fuck out of here. I just don’t know where we’d…
I grew up in Albuquerque and left for college— I’m in NYC now. I get my Monroe’s/Sadie’s fix every time I visit, but I’m happier living where I do now. I find it so funny now how everyone who’s seen Breaking Bad thinks they know Abq...
I’m from Alamogordo - military brought my dad there, and he chose to retire there. I can’t imagine ever moving back to that shithole.
I've only been to New Mexico once (Santa Fe by way of Albuquerque) six years ago, but I still think about the food...
I’m in Santa Fe, too. When I lived on the east coast I would Google Santa Fe constantly and even created a Plaza in my Sim game to help with the home sickeness. I couldn’t wait to get out Santa Fe, once I left I couldn’t wait to return home.
That is so freakishly true it’s not even funny. I’m over-weight. I cannot begin to tell you how many arguments I’ve gotten into in my lifetime where I’ve clearly won said argument, only to have the person make a final statement fat joke, and walk away grinning ear to ear like they just won Jeopardy. Making a fat joke…