Omar Bradley Little

Is that the new Fox news slogan?

Ain’t it the motherfucking truth. I’m inclined to be embarrassed for him, but I’m just annoyed.

Just further proof that the most dangerous job in America remains sitting at the Spanish Announcers Table.

No, WWE's current product sucks. It's an objectively bad TV show, at once stupid, sexist and racist. The only saving grace of it is the athleticism and skill of its performers. What's interesting is how so many people still watch it, and the struggle they have justifying why they still give in to a company that

Or take 22 minutes to discuss "Edge: Overrated, Underrated, or Properly Rated?" using references to whatever 3- to 5-year-old entertainment item he just discovered last weekend as touchpoints.


binge watching free porn in a library

Something something ethics in comic book journalism.

They *did* create a new character. Previous Thor is still around, using an axe, because as happens periodically, he's being too much of a jerk to wield Mjolnir. That was why he got turned into Donald Blake in the first place.

Not to be weird and promote-y, but a friend is making a web series exploring this idea. Only one episode is out, but I think it's pretty good, so you might like it.

Yes - because both answers feel like they might be right, but also wrong, and also selfish, and also compassionate.

That's the thing, I've lost people too early, I've lost them to suicide. But if you really can't escape the hell that is your body, or your brain, what opinion do I get to have? I'm devastated either way. The only thing I can say is, take this example (any of them really) and ask why as a society we don't have better

This is a situation I can't even fathom. As a parent, a friend, a person.

Supermodels love coke.

It's totally a real thing! I went to Sicily last summer and one time I was TRYING to say, "Good morning, I would like a cappuccino please" but instead I was all, "I oppose gay adoption, and synthetic babies are an abomination against God and nature." It was so embarrassing.

That is a hilarious description. Love.

Now playing

In honour of Nash's retirement, a blast from the past where Nash requests Nas back in 1994.

Several mentions of the fake nature of wrestling. Often the serious injuries aren't faked even in WWE. The story lines are over the top and the moves choreographed, but as any stuntman can attest choreographed moves don't mean safe ones especially with multiple people attempting them at once. I don't discount that

As opposed to how sexy actual Sideshow Bob is ;)

When he dumped me after my wisdom teeth surgery because he went out the night before and "had more fun with her."