I am so so sorry for your friend's loss. That is horrible.
I am so so sorry for your friend's loss. That is horrible.
Meanwhile, my pit bull (pit mix) saved me from almost certain robbery/rape/who knows what else today. We were walking on a trail with no one around when a guy came up - skinny, about 20 - and asked what kind of dog she was. I could just FEEL that something was off - I knew he meant us harm. He stood too close, would…
How awful. I know it's not a popular opinion but I just do not like pit breeds because they're super popular in my area among assholes. At least 50% of the dogs in the local shelter are pit breeds, which makes it hard to find a shelter dog to adopt because no way am I taking on a pit who had a crappy prior owner who…
Good for you for being aware of your animal's limitations! I have a pit bull who is soft and sweet and gentle, but she's also a dog. She can be territorial at times and usually, when I've seen it come up, it's directly because of something involving people with food at the dog park, or people with toys at the dog…
Ugh horrible. I almost lost my dog to an unleashed (non-pitbull) dog once that came out of nowhere and immediately had her little head and neck in its jaws. Scariest few minutes ever, and it was pure luck I got her out of it as I thought for sure she was gone. We were just out walking on the road, on leash at the…
That's so terrible :( I'm so sorry for your friend.
Gah that's so sad. I have a little chihuahua-x and if anything happened to him I'd be crushed. It'd be hard not to be livid at the dog and the owners. :(
(sympathy star)
The worst thing is that the pit bull is the only one who gets punished in these situations, and not the fuckers who are in charge of training it!
The problem is that in our gaming culture where women are so often marginalized at best and ostracized or violently excluded at worst, having games like this available only reinforces those toxic attitudes towards women.
She's not demanding anything. They're suggestions. Propositions. Ideas. She can't censor anything, she's not a government entity.
All of these things are fair and rational requests to make. Can't see any reason anyone would have a problem with any of them.
Shorter version, if you just want the list of the list of what she says are "Eight things developers can do to make games less shitty for women", paraphrased from my notes... not that a lot of this pertain to action games and probably make more sense if you're thinking about first and third-person shooters, the Arkham…
VISTA's represent! I'm currently serving and looking at another term of service as a Leader. It's an interesting situation to be in, because even though I'm technically at the same economic status as my clients, there are dozens of ways in which my relative class privilege is constantly at play even when money has…
Tanya Harding too. Again, though, sample size.
If anything, Malice at the Palace is supporting the statement that girls are smarter (and better behaved) than boys.
Yes, Omar. We all remember the Malice at the Palace. It was more than a decade ago. People can grow.
i wish i had ts clearance. i friggin love secrets.