GOOD FOR YOU! Don't stop! use a patch or chew gum if necessary, it isn't weakness to have a little help. I'll be rooting for you :)
GOOD FOR YOU! Don't stop! use a patch or chew gum if necessary, it isn't weakness to have a little help. I'll be rooting for you :)
congrats. i can go without tobacco when i'm not drinking. tonight i bought a bottle of wine and i've smoked half a pack :/
BRAVO TO YOU. I am now over 15 years without them and I am thankful every day. Nicorette gum saved my ass, and I still have a bit of a regular gum addiction to this day.
I cut my daily cigarette ration in half. It's working great.
Fun fact: the "screaming fire in a crowded theater" thing was enshrined in U.S. jurisprudence by a supreme court case during WW1 in which a group of socialists were jailed for distributing leaflets opposing the draft and encouraging draft-age men to assert their rights and resist.
Also, you cannot go to prison simply…
"communities that traditionally treat their women as breed cattle, bomb schools, throw acid in young girls faces going to school deserve to be marginalized."
It's a problem that you can't say "I unequivocally condemn the people who killed these journalists" and "I think what the journalists were doing was at best in extremely bad taste" without people jumping up and down screaming 'victim-blaming!' at the top of their lungs, but it is totally possible to think both of…
Do not mansplain this to me.
The Lemon Cake Male Objectification Experiment, a/k/a The Male Glaze.
On the heels of Crushing Celebrity Divorce Season comes my second favorite time of the year, Celebrity Wedding…
I signed in just to upvote your comment and tell you to keep up the good fight. Men who have the kind of attitude towards relationships that these men do are insulting to both men and women. There's no reason to act like men are helpless children or insecure teenagers that need to have their egos constantly stroked.
You can transition using e-cigarettes. I did, and I smoked for 30 years. They have nicotine in a vapor compound somehow. So you can actually smoke and inhale nicotine but there's no smell, no ash, no butts, and you kind of forget that you ever smoked. Not nearly as satisfying as a real cigarette but I've been on them…
the dirty filmmaker is quitting! he got an e-cig for christmas but his goal is to wean himself off of that by the summer (our birthdays are in july so that's the goal date). he did cave and have a few on NYE, but we were on myriad substances so i don't blame him. he's pretty bummed about it but knows it's for the best…
Good luck! My dad quit about 8 months ago (after 44 years of smoking!!!) and hasn't stopped talking about all the benefits - better breathing, sleeping and skin, and just generally feeling better! It'll be so worth it after the first while :)
It mystifies me as well! If someone tries to nurture me it actually freaks me out a little. I've learned to accept it a bit better, but my instinct is to be the one who nurtures, which also can lead to dismay.
My mother told me "Son, learn to cook 3, maybe 4 decent meals and practice at it. Wash yourself whenever you need it. Dress like you have not been recently released from prison. Keep your place as clean as the people you want spending time there. Helpless is only cute for the first 3 months of life and after that…
I'm the same way dude. I'll take a little ego-stroking from time to time because my girlfriend is a hardworking intelligent ass-kicker & I'm incredibly insecure but I would never get in a huff or feel like less of a man but she didn't wait on me. I don't want to be a royal butthole thanks. In fact if she drew me a…
The MRA types like to say that feminists hate men, but anyone who writes this kind of stuff must think all men are giant helpless babies who can't care for themselves and need constant reassurance.
When FSU got down early, my brother, who was rooting for FSU, said Jameis Winston had the Ducks right where he wanted them.