Omar Bradley Little

That's a...very unfortunate name.

I have a huge list of things I like to masturbate before partaking in, including but not limited to: job interviews, flights, big presentations, exams, first dates, holiday parties, and any long car ride. But I also like to masturbate for any old reason, like "I am nude and my vagina is there and I have 10 minutes to

Or just "tank top."

There's only one person in this mess whose life is over, and Darren Wilson shot him.

I that hear if you chant "feminism" in a bathroom mirror five times the ghost of Andrea Dworkin will appear and destroy your entire pornography collection.

"I tried everything. We played four white guys and an Egyptian."

Mark: I just clicked on the link and THERE ARE NO ANIMALS. Yeah, sure it's because "animals aren't kept in the windows overnight" and "there are regular hours" but still. NO PUPPIES. NO KITTENS. I feel deeply betrayed. How could you do that to my sense of what is good and pure? You tell me there will be adorable

I dunno - the fact that he was banned suggests otherwise. It's kind of reminiscent of tge Sammy Sosa corked bat scandal in baseball. Sosa claimed that a bat with a cork center that he used in practice had 'somehow' made it into his game bat rotation, accidentally. Frankly, it was all rather fishy, to say the least,

oh gooddie one of you. I suppose you'll be breaking out the fucking Bugs Bunny GIF next that's so ducking original.

I think we're missing the big story here, which is that someone witnessed her reading.

Ahhh yes this is one of my top 10 horror movies!! I've only seen it three times tho, it's fucking intense.

"Swaggy P" is the basketball embodiment of a twee, boring, self-consciously internet-friendly, Lil-B-nihilistic, put-on eccentricity that is both the opposite and the death of the authentic, full-throated, batshit insanity that had made the Lakers so fun this season.

He created the original The Last House on the Left, and is responsible for that whole rape-revenge-fantasy grossness.

That's about enough, commodity feminism.

While an adult may have a number of options when confronted with abuse – to flee, to fight back, or to seek help from law enforcement

I should read before commenting. (But great minds develop the same analogies... or something like that.)

"Traveling band of strippers" sounds like a twist on the old western. Surely they could have been more creative with the name...

I agree that our society creates many privileges for being male. But, does this really represent one of them? In a professional setting, men are expected to wear a dark suit and a tie - which, this guy did. If this guy had deviated from the official uniform for the professional male, and it had received no comment,

Let that ignorant flag fly!