Omar Bradley Little

People forget one essential thing about science—-the gathering of knowledge and data is a never ending process. Are there some holes in the fossil record? Yes, but only for now. It's been a century and a half since Darwin first promulgated his theory. We have plenty of time to keep finding even more evidence that

So let me get this straight. These people don't believe in evolution because it doesn't work like it does on the Pokemon cartoon?

Are you Dave Attell?

Hello, my baby
Hello, my honey
Hello, my ragtime ga~aaaaaaal.

Wow. What a one-sided article. The vote spam is actually about ethics in games journalism.

Ive always said that its a different SORT of pain. Like breaking a bone is a "your body is being damaged, get away from it" kind of pain. Being hit in the balls is a much more urgent "Your biological reason for existence is in danger. Nothing else matters" kind of pain.

The reason he was crying? This is the bottle.

Michael Bennett: CUT THE MUSIC!!!!! What I'd like right now is for all you scraggly, skinny jean wearing, local culture stomping, gentrifying New York douschebags to keep the noise down... while I take my robe off and give the ladies a good look at the sexiest man alive!!

Yeah, I fucked up.

You know that scene from the first season of Girls where Hannah fucks up that job interview by joking that the interviewer was serial rapist? When I first saw it I thought "there is no way someone is that tone deaf" but now I think that maybe she is.

Rich White woman privilege????

No, actually, we haven't all molested our siblings. Sicko.

You can bet if it were a man talking like this, claiming that he was a sexual predator, he would be skewered beyond belief here. But it's not just a woman, it's an icon here, so she gets a pass.

This one time I was a grown ass man and I wore a Halloween costume for something other than the amusement of children.

When Christmas took Chanukkah, I did nothing, because I was not Jewish.

Oh man. there is no happy ending or even a silver lining to that story. It sucked all around, and no matter how you look at it, someone was getting screwed. :(

It's not even that she wants them all to be warrior goddesses, because that in itself is it's own trope. She just wants developers to be more conscious of how they portray their female characters, and start treating them as sexual window dressing or prizes to be won.

*Sigh* Okay, might as well break some things down here...

I just don't get this argument; you see, I'm a guy, and I've been playing video games for 32 years. Every article or video I've seen of hers points out over relied on tropes, but I've never felt like it was an attack against *me*. Saving the damsel in distress, scantly clad women as scenery, and the submissive, timid,

Gamers: "We want games to be considered Art!"