Omar Bradley Little

You know Catholicism was banned in 1933 and Catholic schools closed in Deutschland, right? Bavarian person here (the Catholic south) of the reasons the early instantiations of Gestapo headquarters was in München was to prevent the southern kingdom rebelling. Not saying anything like #NotAllGermans, but the fate

People have been demanding that games be taken seriously as an artistic medium for the last decade, an the second someone take them up on that, and decides to actually critic the medium in a way one would normally be critical of any creative work, people absolutely lose their minds. They cannot handle it. On top of

I've been saying this for a while now.

I grew up in a time when being a "gamer" was cause for ridicule. Shit, admitting to owning a Nintendo in the mid-80's was a good way to get your ass kicked at my school (not at all schools, I understand).

Now that gaming's finally mainstreamed, and the hobby has -finally- gained

Same, I was so upset on her behalf during most of last season.

This complaint always puzzles me. I agree that reviewers have an influence, and I agree that a reviewer's opinion can cut a chunk out of the potential audience, but I don't see why a reviewer has a responsibility to make recommendations out of kindness. They have to talk about what they felt about the product in front

That show is on Hulu!

"Why did no one ask me?"

While on Thursday he'd suggested that he felt physically fine and didn't think he had Ebola–"But do any of us know for sure?" .... Gohmert also said that he thought there was "some deal" between the United States and West African nations–"that's why they won't do a travel ban"–

No one care about your clitoral stimulation from these hot men.

Oh you just know, "certain otherwise reasonable Jezebel commenters" are about to light up the comments section with "How can white privelage exist if i don't get everything I want 100 percent of the time."

Don't forget; we also had daytime talk shows!

Ooh, ooh, I love the genderize-random-objects-and-concepts game! Let's play!

It's applicable to virtually any public forum with sufficient traffic. Doesn't bring that horse back to life.

We need more reasons to include Harry Dean Stanton if video games. Many, many more.

The gaming community is really the worst thing for gaming.

Ohhhhhhh boy, prepare for a massive influx off #notallgamers and links to youtube videos showing you the "truth".

And here we thought he was full of shit earlier in the week when he had listed the mic as Questionable.

it should be sexual reichstag, not sexual congress

Maybe if the receivers had performed better Rodgers wouldn't have had to fake it.

New Vegas > 3