Lol we didn’t elect a white supremacist
Lol we didn’t elect a white supremacist
Fuck liberals and fuck Palestine
Lol shut up
And libtards have no idea what the word fascism means
The good ones dont
Isn’t abortion allowed for that?
Lol yeah the gay man that’s into blacks Is a nazi. God you liberals are so dumb. This is why trump won.
Lol you libtards don’t understand that this is why trump won.
Just shut up
Shut up you’re not a victim
Why are you lefties so occupied with polls? Fuck polls. Polls aren’t accurate. They said Donald would lose and Democrats would still control the senate. Look how that went. Fuck polls.
If you can’t afford an abortion taxpayers shouldn’t pay for it.
Blm protestors burn cities.
Lol get real
All these laws are for blocking traffic. Don’t block traffic and you’re fine.
Then don’t block fucking traffic. It’s illegal
Ethics aren’t real. Nothing more then your opinion. No such thing as right or wrong.
Here’s my argument for pirating. I’m not paying to see most movies or shows cause I don’t watch TV more then 4 hours a week. So either I pirate their art (cause really if you’re an actor it should be because you love art and not money) or I don’t watch it at all. Either way they’re not getting money from me. So am I…
It’s all about you now
What’s wrong with gmos? Oh that’s right nothing.