
Oh shut up you dumb bitch

You libtards need to learn that this silencing of speech is why Trump won. You fucking children can’t handle different opinions. Mouth vibrations hurt you because you’re children. Grow up and accept people have different views.

Here’s an idea. How about you professional victims stay the fuck outta the highway. You want get run over.

Oh look another black acting like a victim. This is new.

Future female president. She’s no doubt read more then trumps 220lb chewed bubble gum lookin ass.

Why is it right to care about others?

No. That’s how SJWs are born. Hit your kids or they’ll be giant children like the people that comment and like this garbage site. “I need a safe space cause I’m a 25 year old child.” Die

I watched it cause I can handle reality.

I’ve easily seen over 100 beheading videos (I just watched this girls suicide as well). Nick begs is weird. The audience is delayed and he doesn’t bleed like everyone else. I think he was already dead when they beheaded him.

You’re not oppressed. You’re not a victim. Grow up

The left are pussies. I don’t even call myself liberal anymore cause they’re so embarrassing. Giant children pretty much is what liberals are.

Why is it immoral? Because you said so? Nothing is right or wrong. Fuck your morals. Skin this cunt alive.

Feel free to fuck off to your safe space Libtard.

Keep being a smug Libtard offended by everything. You retards still don’t understand that’s the reason trump won. Fuck your feelings.

No but we can call them fucking dumb for crying about words. Libtard.

They are

What’s wrong with NRA? Libtard

The apes would be burning down the city if this was 4 white dudes and a nig.

Stop that doesn’t fit their victim agenda

Because to libtards words are violence and they want to tell everyone what to think.