
Make us

Oh shut up

Shut up and go watch golf assclown

You savage

Because one contained classified info. the other is about stupid people attending a stupid man’s university and getting stupid results.

How does trump not like black people again?

Then fuck off and don’t watch you libtard. Fuck your feelings

Pc culture and social justice warriors are facism.

Nobody wants refugees. look at the shit hole Germany is becoming. Fuck islam

Ray tensing is white. several white cops have been charged. stop making this about something it isnt. libtard

No they dont. I know some. typical libtard nonsense

No he shouldn’t

Xer and xim is made up non sense for libtards

Well he shouldnt have comitted a serious crime. nobody’s fault but his. no sympathy from me.

And by letting millions of muslims in their country they’re fucked. Muslims don’t assimilate. they want to come here and enforce sharia law. Fuck liberalism.

You’re not off base. Fuck these libtards.

Lol. “white nationalism”. Fuck off

This attitude is why trump won.

Trump also said he will bring back coal jobs. we both know that won’t happen.

You libtards and your dismiss buttons. can’t handle words?