
My fantasy name is god hates jags.

True but it wasn’t just blacks that did all that.

POOR you

18. eightTEEN

You’re a cuck faggot

Jezebel is garbage

Don’t care what they want.

Wheres the chart called “do I care about libtards feelings regarding my Halloween costume?”

Poor you

Because they’re not over sensitive pc cunts like the libtards on this site. sorry normal people don’t subscribe to your pc cult. you’re not a victim. stop acting like one. its dress up. grow up you big baby.

Libtards wouldnt be able to display their moral high ground in public and act like their better then you. So they would find something else to be offended about.

Probably because he’s not an over senstive cunt like everyone else here.

You over sensitive cunts are what’s wrong with the world.

Oh I need to grow up? Says the one who can’t discern reality from video games. Get fucked Lil guy

“virtually assaulted”. You apparently can’t tell the difference between reality and make believe. You probably think words are assault too. Fuck your feelings

OK professional victim.

Then don’t fucking play them. Vr is not “sexual assault “.

Women are always victims. Don’t you know

It’s not

You can make this taste good.