The only person with hate is you.
The only person with hate is you.
I like the one where god sends a bear to kill the little kids for making fun of the bald man. I believe it’s in kings.
Stop acting like a fucking victim. You’re not. People much smarter then you decided this. Shut up.
If you give up your life savings to some stranger because they’ve convinced you that you or your family is cursed. Then you deserve to lose it. How gullible can one be? It wouldn’t surprise me if after its recovered the NYPD civil seizures the money over some nonsense. “Its cursed so we need it cause drugs”.
Really? Soul searching? You’re the one defending a murderer. Fucking libtards and your support for criminals is disgusting.
Lol...whatever helps you sleep at night shamu. fat people are gross and don’t get laid as much. That’s a fact. This isn’t some patriarch bullshit you professional victim. It’s biology. Fat will never be beautiful you gluttonous pig.
What will you do? Be triggered and get ptsd?
Stop making sense. You’re destroying chulupa_jacks entitlement.
That’s why I blow dro in my cats face. Come at me brah.
I agree 100%. There is no such thing as a scary movie anymore. The last movie that scared me was the ring in 2002. I was 12 when I saw it. Nothing has scared me since. But then again I’m not a weak minded human being who is scared of make believe.
This is why I illegally stream all the games. Fuck Goodell
Empathy is bullshit. The world owes nobody nothing. You’re not entitled to shit. To much empathy and people turn into liberal phaggots.
Oh you poor victim
Yet more white people are killed by cops then blacks. You’re not a victim.
Haha. Impotent rage. You done being a victim?
Because white mass shooters don’t resist arrest.
This is why football hasn’t gotten any $ from me in 2 years and never will again. The NCAA and NFL are disgusting and I only watch from HD illegal streams until football is no more. Fuck goodell.
If you rob, murder or rape and even assault someone idc if you’re dehumanized. But for weed let em go and legalize it.
They don’t value life.