I knew there was a reason I couldn’t beat Roger Federer.
I knew there was a reason I couldn’t beat Roger Federer.
those female players you mention? They haven’t beaten Fed either! #factsandlogic
As someone raised on Mario Tennis, I blame it on the distinct lack of available Power Shots.
[having sex]
“Let’s just say it works for me. I have no problem pleasing the ladies. Well, I mean, I do. That’s why I take Viagra. But once I take it, I have no problem pleasing the ladies. Well, no physical problem. I have been accused of being an emotionally distant and selfish lover.”
Oh yeah Larry Bird of a huge marketable brand. All the kids nowadays are clamoring for the Larry Bird “grandpa sitting on the sideline” style.
I’m going to save this video and watch it every day just to prove whomever runs social media for the Flying Tigers wrong. Fucking non-correct-form-of-everyday-four-dot-ellipsis-using piece of shit...
he was running into the wall for 10 seconds like RBI Baseball
+1 Misuse of Occam’s Razor.
The clip is only 57 seconds long, but the ball’s recording device recorded 18 hours of static while it was in right field.
Bombshell recounts the Fox News scandal in which numerous female staffers accused Roger Ailes of sexual harassment and misconduct.
Uhh, the entire blog is about him preferring to play power forward.
Personally, I think this is about regular season wins and regular season defense. LeBron and Davis—elite defenders when they want to be—are not going to defend in the regular season. If you add a rim protector to ensure something like a 3-6 seed, for regular season defense, you can sit him in the playoffs when the…
More importantly, neither party has any incentive to operate in good faith when there’ll be a new cba soon. It’s the same thing with browns helmet.
Lets step back a little and look at the situation in basic terms. An employer has an employee demand a raise and then stop showing up for work when he doesn’t get what he wants. What happens to that employee? I know there’s more nuance to it than that, but his current rookie contract is a result of his Union’s…
I’ve earned the right to joke with Zeke. Let me be real clear about that. I’ve earned the right to joke with Zeke.