Chuck Haphazardly

When it was over, Ronaldo is said to have turned to her. He is 99 percent not a bad guy, he reportedly said, that one percent he can not explain. This is how K. writes in her letter.

And Tremblay is the most common surname in Quebec, but if the Canadiens started 3 Tremblays on the same line, it would still be noteworthy. The Šťastnýs played on the same line for the Nordiques for a time (and combined for 300 points in the 1981-82 season!) but they were brothers, as opposed to these unrelated

Yep, that’s my first impression as well. Luke isn’t going to train Rey to be a Jedi with all their rules and history, he’s just going to train her to use the force, and hence he will be “The Last Jedi”. He sees the fallacy in trying to just follow the light or the dark, and will teach her to use both and find the

You gotta admit, the change from carrying the helmets to wearing them is probably a net positive.

Moe’s the type of guy that can consistently stop the gas pump at $30.00, returns to the microwave right as it dings, and pulls out just in time to ensure no eggs are fertilized.

“It’s a caricature”

Only thing wrong with me is throwing far too-subtle shade for you burners to catch.

We fart together.

This is Bunny, who passed away in December. I miss her so much!!! She loved cold cuts and being dressed up (the latter of which is really weird).

This is my good and cute puppy. She is the cutest thing in the history of things.

Bodhi’s a good dog.

Here is my good pet.

This was my Marty. I miss him. He was a good ass boy.

My pup!

Tank is sick of my shit.

My dog Hank is a very good dog. Yes he is!!!

Hello. The internet says that today is National Pet Day, the day for pets. Bring forth the pets!

I’m not going to argue that there is more talent then or now, but at one time Jordan, Stockton, Payton, A. Hardaway, T. Hardaway, M. Price, K. Johnson, M. Richmond, Drexler, Dumars, R. Miller, and Sprewell were competing for All-NBA spots. (Not to mention Steve Smith, T. Brandon, Terry Porter, Rod Strickland, Mookie

Now playing

Bullshit, the home team’s announcers are supposed to be fans. That’s the way it is across most of the country and it’s better for it. If you are on a national game, you get national, neutral announcers. Local games get local announcers, and of course they’re going to act like fans, that’s who their target demographic