
*Mindy walks in with a pink glittery eye-patch*
"Wait, why do you already own that?"

LOVED this episode. It was more mature, with more gore, everybody on the Team had something to do. Which brings me to my favourite thing about this episode (and the show, to be honest) - Fitz. Can we all agree that it's nice to see him getting better? I loved that he practiced setting up that device with his 'bad'

I loved that whole Beef Plantation scene. The kids, as always, were great.

Peter: "Why are looking at me like that?"
Danny: "You look a lot like Mindy in that outfit"
Peter: "Keep your eyes up here, man"
Danny: "You look good"
Peter: "Shut up!"

Corpse diem. Seize the dead.


I think the main problem this show had was the title. So many people I know didn't want to watch it because of it.

"Email it to me, and then print out the email, and hand it to me"

God, I missed Elementary so much.
Lucy Liu can just read a book the whole episode and I would still watch the show.

I don't think he was badgering her. I thought it was unusual that he was the one that started the conversation, because we've seen previously that he's not very good with expressing his feeling. And he didn't talk about his feelings for her (only Mack brought it up), which was also weird, because Fitz has a possessive

Not their greatest episode, for sure, but it had its good moments. I loved how happy Jay was with that wig. Always looking at his reflection - even using a spatula at one point.

Easily the best new show this year. I love it.

I have to disagree a little about Fitz and Simmons. I agree that Fitz is a flawed character - that's what makes him so interesting, but in this episode I kind of agreed with him. I think that Simmons made a mistake. Not leaving - that was a logical thing to do in her mind, but actually lying to him, saying that she's

Something will probably happen in the last episode before the show goes on hiatus. Still, I hope they won't just forget about all of his experience later. That would be ridiculously stupid.

I think it's realistic. He is getting better, but sometimes he has problems. It's natural. I mean, his temporal lobe was damaged - you don't expect people to be just magically cured after a short period of time. And let's not forget how hard it was for him to talk in the first episode. I think he's showing progress,

Everytime Fitz is in a scene, no matter how short that scene is, it's heartbreaking. That whole conversation between Fitz and Simmons was just painful.

like SUPER excited

Zoey: "You're not spanking my brother"
Junior: "Yeah! You're not spanking her brother…..ssss"

"Mack certainly has an impressive physique, wouldn't you say?" "He's quite a lot of a man"

I loved when the children came into the kitchen and started asking Rainbow to do different things for them, especially the boy twin (Jack?).