
Well, I am a lucky bastard.

I think that sure, there were a lot of thoughts in his head after Simmons finished telling him the story and jealousy sure was one of them (let's be honest, that's one the things he has to work on), but I think that for me it seems like Fitz is willing to do anything for his friends, not only Jemma.

Oh, it's you again, 'whining little bitch' guy. How nice of you to show up. Your hatred towards a fictional character is truly inspiring. Honestly, I've never seen someone like you before - you comment about Fitz on every comment he's mentioned in. If I didn't know any better, I'd think you have some issues.

I'd prefer that they either just get FitzSimmons together or end this 'will-they-won't-they' thing. I don't think it's such a bad idea to have a normal couple on the show.

You know, this is strange, but I think that Fitz doesn't fully understand that he needs to tell a person he's talking to where he's going. Remember when he confronted then-Skye when she became an Inhuman? He ran off. The audience thought he's going to tell everybody. In reality he helped her. Same thing here.

The worst thing I saw was one comment basically saying that Simmons should have kept herself 'pure' for Fitz. So many wrong things about that, it's disgusting. (Not even counting the fact that Simmons has probably always had a healthy sex life)

Carrying? Yeah. Sleeping with it? No.

Yeah, you're right. Sorry, I misread.

Wouldn't that make Simmons depressed? Not sleeping with a sharp object?

No, I don't think it's 'black or white'. My complaint is that it's too predictable. That's it. I always say, if I know what's going to happen, then it's not that interesting.

Question: Remember when Simmons came back and she woke up with a sharp piece of wood in her hand? What was that? Why would she have it? It makes zero sense now that we've seen that she was sleeping with Will in same bed (basically) and that for the last couple of months she had been sheltered. I understand feeling

I was so into this episode up until Jemma and Will hooked up. For one simple reason - it was too predictable. I've seen posts and comments about the "space boyfriend" since 'I have to go back' moment and it just bummed me out that they actually did it. Wouldn't she want him to come back simply because he was there?


So what? I'm supposed to stop liking a character because some people find him annoying? What the hell?


You know, as I was watching it, I thought that it was more of a reference to previous times Fitz has been kept out of the loop (like in season 2). But I guess you're right, he was a dick to Bobbi.


Terry loves responsible agricultural practices.

"Jake, dope alley"
"I know. I think this is where Batman's parents got killed"
