
That whole scene when Danny was pretending to be heartbroken was pure gold. And after he threw that wine in Mindy's face, I couldn't stop laughing.

Skye: "[May] just said more words that I've heard her say in a year"
Fitz: "That's very alarming"

The twins are amazing. I don't know why… I guess their cuteness is just too much for me to handle.

I personally think he's amazing. I've seen him in other things and let's just say, even though I like AOS, I think he's too good for it.

I think at this point I can watch this show only because of Iain de Caestecker and Fitz's storyline. He's doing a tremendous job.

So, Fitz x Mack = Fack? Mitz?

Why would Simmons leave? It just doesn't make any sense. If you had a best friend with brain damage, would you just leave him? He even said "Talking to you is the only time I feel clear. And calm. Like I might actually get better". This whole thing just makes me sad.

Can they just have only Che? And throw Jost as far away as they can?

After watching this episode I finally realised why I didn't like this season as much as other seasons (other reasons - Justin Bieber and Degree commercials). After Casey and Jacque were eliminated the camera turned to the top 4 and there were all… just standing there. No emotion. Nothing. Every year when the top 4 is

Craig was my favourite late night douche, so I'm still in denial that he's leaving. And this doesn't make me feel any better. Corden might be funny sometimes, but not every night.

It's always a little bit hard for me to watch the first episode when they perform, mostly because I don't know them very well (although this year they managed to tell stories about most of top 20 in the audition episodes). And on top of that I guess I'll always love Season 3,4 and 7 the most so those last seasons for

D- might be a little too harsh, I think. For me personally it was more B- maybe C+. Performances were strong, the twist near the end, although somewhat expected, still added more edge to the film. And yes, same rules apply

I think he started laughing because he accidentally hit Bill Hader in the face. And then continued because Hader started messing with him.