
We don’t believe in personal responsibility here any more. When your fragile heart gets screwed, you go to social media, complain, and bitch as loud as you can. If you’re lucky, a media company picks up the story and portrays you as the Saint that you are and blasts the evil big entity you’re complaining about. As

Why do you think cars are growing increasingly larger & bloated across the board? It’s shameful...

Factory no fat chicks stickers.

How sad is it that 300lb at 5'9" isn’t considered abnormal?


If he was made aware of that when he was buying, we would see another article where “he was refused to be sold a vehicle, insulted, and called “large” for being, well, large. Joey needs to loose weight. General population acceptance is not an excuse to turn yourself into a huge person. Let’s address the elephant in

I don’t think “Social Justice Warriors” qualify as a race or a sex...

It figures you Americans would rather have cars designed for your gargantuan asses instead of looking at yourselves in the mirror.

Are you daft? They fixed it twice already. What are they supposed to do, fix it 4,864 times because the guy is fat?

Cool story, fatty. Thanks for adding the political spin to it.

Social Justice Warriors only care about fat women, not fat men.

My dad is 5'10ish and about 280 lbs or thereabouts. The same panel on his 2007 grand caravan has been broken for years. He never complained about it.

It’s a car blog, seems like all it is lately is a way to critique the new administration. Get back to car stories, if I want political comedy I will go to the huffington post.

Oh, did George Washington sneak up on King George III and slug him in the jaw? Must have missed that part of history class ;)

Yeah, you’re really not there yet. This wasn’t some principled first shot in an uprising. This was an individual who let his emotions get the better of him. The status quo is not changed, and you are still facing the same problems that you were before Spencer got hit.

I feel like living in a country that respects the right of every human to speak their bit. Sometimes that will look like poetry, other times it will look like sewage. You may seek to stamp out the one, but the tools you create to do so will inevitably be used against the other, given time.

Because I don’t feel like living in a country where sucker punches are considered acceptable forms of discourse. Grow up.

This exemplifies how the modern left fails to understand the difference between principles and feelings.

Do you have the courage to murder every Nazi you see? Or is this all tough talk from behind a keyboard?