
it’s cute that you think this stuff started when Trump was elected

No they won’t, if they are his subs, they are stupid as him.

Not when the quote is “The wheels literally came off the car...”

love this 90s stereotypes jokes, remember me when I was young and Windows was bad... let me know if you need a lift to the present with my time travel machine

Or seeing shitty political commentary on a car blog.

As I said, the more the consumers are upset. Keep stacking up events like this and you might actually see a change. But thanks for acting like a tool anyway.

Good. The more the consumers are upset the less likely they are to go places until things change. They’ve removed seats, luxuries and more, all while slapping customers in the face with the draconian rules they have.

This is the kind of FoxtrotAlpha article i like. Factual, thorough and written by an expert.

the sensible course of action seems to you to be to perpetually hold all human life hostage with the threat of complete annihilation.

What? Could you or the 24 morons who starred your comment, obviously without knowing what it means or implied care to explain what exactly it is you are talking about? Are you talking about when the USSR and USA met in Iceland to discuss reducing nuclear armaments? Might you also want to talk about WHY such a meeting

Tell me more about how great diversity has been for Marvel.

Coded? Yes. Unclear? He confirmed their meaning himself. Fuck off, concern troll.

Finding someone else who hates Miatas gives me a perverse thrill.

In all seriousness, educate yourself, please.

Please look into the impeachment process and the burden of proof needed. You are way off with the process.

Somebody teach you about civics and how government actually works.

Welcome to your opinion.. not the same as mine..

you’re an ignorant piece of shit

It’s like great, you’re still cheering for the team that lost.