
Not quite. I’d simply like objectivity and unbiased factual journalism to continue on this blog, unlike what goes on at many other GMG blogs. But hey, way to make generalizations and spew personal attacks. Ironic that you said ‘ignorant worldview’ when you are promoting just that. Thanks!

Do you not see the irony of your reaction?

So tolerant!

“Traditional diplomacy is out. Machismo is in.” Please tell me more about the leftists/ globalists peaceful and diplomatic track records in the past decade. 🙄.

As much as I sincerely respect your academic achievements, I was hoping to read a line about your service in the military - seems fitting for a blog like Foxtrot Alpha - but, sadly, there was nothing about real-world military experience to balance the academia slant. My Devil Dog friends and Naval son have a very

Wonderful. I look forward to his posts!

Poke fun at the question all you’d like, but the beauty of Tyler’s administration of this blog was his objectivity and neutrality. Here were the facts, the nuts and bolts, and the unpolished truths. He spoke as a guy that had his own boots on the ground and it was refreshing to read objective, fact-based posts with

so you’re ok with a clear manipulation of a quote in this new bloggers very first post?

“We live in violent and unpredictable times.”

Do you plan on falling in line with the other Gawker Company ‘journalists’ and use your platform to force-feed liberal views to the readership? To discredit and ridicule any conservative viewpoints, and aggressively mock any position that could be considered as such? Asking for a friend.

We are not in a violent time. There is a lot going on that can turn into a very bad situation, but as far as being safe as individual we are a lot better. You don’t have to worry about roving bands of mirauders coming through your village executing everyone or the fear of get the plague or some other random disease.

Welcome! I’m interested to see what stories you cover and how you cover them. Logical balance seems to be missing at most of Gawker these days, but it seems from your initial writings that you hope to change this and that you’re more concerned with facts than feelings. I hope I’m understanding you correctly - if so, I

I didn’t understand half of that, but given that you started the article off by blaming the worlds problems on “Far-right populism” I can only assume that we will be getting biased liberal perspective on world events from someone who thinks that the US is too powerful and arrogant. If you do intend to report pure

Any politics you choose to write about, please do your best to remain bipartisan and unbiased as much as possible.

Sure sure grandpa. Don’t go anywhere so we know where you are. For being communists though, we didn’t vote for Trumpski. I suppose you did though? Is it his brand of communist oligarchy you prefer?

That’s because you are insufferable.

Good luck with that. Here’s a 1995 MKIV Supra’s sticker - I don’t think 20+ years of inflation and including BMW in the development will have a downward effect on the price.

Some points, for some of the responders and also the article in general.

Michael Moore told Bill Maher, are you serious? What great name dropping, appealing to idiot authority I guess. Maybe you could have looped Rachel Maddow in there too.

Manual nut-hugger here admits this is probably a good thing. That motor, like the e90 m3 motor, revs super quickly and requires high rpm operation to be satisfying. Add that to the ridiculous power output and fantastic chassis, and you have a vehicle that demands attention and precision to drive quickly. DCTs allow

So American auto manufacturers havent been moving production to Canada and Mexico due to trade deals while German and Japanese manufacturers have figured out how to build cars here and make a high quality product as well as a profit? Because outside of your opinion of Trump that seems to be his point. So I guess I am