
It is. And no.

No, this story is about the fact that you are actively misrepresenting what happened, and perpetuating a narrative that has been discredited. It is NOT about uncovering the truth of what happened.

Can I blame the democratic party for running someone who America has rejected a few times now, and who’s politics seem to be pretty much moderate Republican?

No one once said that, unless you’re quoting yourself while you currently misquote Barry Goldwater.


Appliance Jockeys

“Walkers” It is both true and a nice homage to Alissa.

I mentioned this before but I went into the movie loving Steve Rogers. C’mon, he’s the Cap. He is brave and true. After the credits I was, “Rogers, you utter and complete stupid, jackass.”

You’ll be hearing from my kinja.

I thought this article would be about why the cars themselves sucked, but in all actuality, it turned out to be about why YOU suck driving high hp cars (hhpc).

Good to know. I’m not in the biker or gay, or any other stereotypical chaps community.

Antilag certainly isn’t bothering me

I don’t care much about these things. Jalopnik has amusing articles, and some useful information, but if they want to grey me out for this, it is their choice.

Double standards I guess.

Be careful, they haven’t greyed you yet. You might get to stay “approved”.

Me too buddy. I guess that’s how it is here now. You don’t have to be obscene, you just have to question their integrity as journalists.

Anna Merlan : Cars are stupid. Buy any junk.

You put a girl from Jezebel in the video saying that cars are stupid and that they don’t matter purely to incite hate-comments that you will undoubtedly renounce.

If this is an “excellent YouTube show”, why in God’s name (or anybody’s name) are you posting a Flash video? Please, please, share the YouTube video directly :(

How do you know when someone is a vegan?