Yeah throw up the shocker bro hang fuckin ten, I hope you get mugged outside the park for being a smug piece of shit and keeping that ball.
Yeah throw up the shocker bro hang fuckin ten, I hope you get mugged outside the park for being a smug piece of shit and keeping that ball.
Process Server: Mr Manziel? You’ve just been served.
I guess then it depends on the type of business. To me, restaurants are mostly subjective. There are some standards to uphold, but I’m the kind of person who doesn’t care as long as the minimum quality was reached.
I assume the number 88 is his birth year so it’s not a kid who got shamed into deleting his account. It was a grown man.
That’s a lot of beverages (alcoholic and non-alcoholic) for a 13-minute “concert”. 5 t-shirts? 5 towels? Is he soaking the towels in juice and squeezing them into his mouth? Does he have a battery-powered towel squeezer which is why he needs all those batteries? I have so many questions.
I am a large individual. Do they take measurements expressed in “hectares”?
I am a large individual. Do they take measurements expressed in “hectares”?
“Few people seem to care about our sport. What’s the move here?”
Searching for it...
On that front, maybe. It’s not like Intel and the other crowd weren’t pushing that direction as well. Their decisive resistance to all things USB for phones and tablets is more my issue and I think more related to the issues here.
Roger Goodell and Rahm Emanuel, two birds of a feather, two pieces of crap.
This is bad kinja.
I would never call a team that employs Prince Fielder “gutless.”
Pickles are fucking delicious with barbecue!
I’m going to be THAT GUY FROM TEXAS here. The only acceptable BBQ sides are:
if i’d tried something like that not only would i have completely missed the puck thereby losing the game, i would have have somehow injured the goalie and broken my neck on the goal.
Kid: Holy shit, that ball boy might have just saved my life!
If we’re living in a world where we can no longer make Pablo Sandoval fat jokes because he’s on the shelf for a year then we’re living in a world that I want no part of.
If he had done that at third, Pablo Sandoval would’ve just eaten Coco Crisp.