
I’m a Cubs fan, but used to have to ride my bike through Wrigleyville to get back home, and on gameday, some of the broier of the bunches would fuck with me; try to make me fall off, etc.

Buying in Wrigleyville is your own damn fault. This is asinine.

What a fucking shit this woman is.

Or when Ross picked off Gyorko at 1st and Rizzo tagged him in the face. That was beautiful

I’m glad to see we are still getting these comments so late in the season. Dedication from the BFiB. Would expect nothing else.

Cards got hosed on the final Ball 4 call too. Even the umps hate them.

I don’t get it. Touching hands is a lot less physical contact than getting your ass handed to you.

as they had seven-hour-old footage of Russians doing gymnastics badly to show you

“Don’t worry about it.” - Antonio Cromartie

Du Li noted.

Well, that about wraps up the case, then! Good work, detective!

Worst quarterback in the NFL,” [Michael] says.


I’d say he looks like a grown up version of Beavis.

Now playing

Ah, you got it backwards, Barry. The soulless, inexorcisable undead that won’t go away have spent the last two weeks holding — and covering — political conventions.

Dunkaroos were almost the greatest thing ever, second only to these guys:

Hey, let me be the first to welcome you on your first day to Deadspin!

But I bet it’s Magikally delicious.