
This is the Deadspin comment section. You’re not talking to anyone, really.

Nothing will ever top the Beef O’Brady’s Bowl (may it rest in peace). Nothing.

They didn’t say who it was for. They said who it was mostly used by. Reading comprehension.

...a five-person group led by a German citizen...

“You’re also better off driving home from the weekend on Sunday, if you can. Google says traffic can be up to 40% worse on Sunday.” Simply cruel.

Wait til she finds out he pooped in the upper tank of the toilet.

Not only could fans have been hurt upon exit, but the panic that could have resulted from calling the game and evacuating could very well have led to a stampede/crush situation and that is all to familiar a risk at soccer venues. They made the right call.

Honestly, this kind of reminds me of how Tiger Woods’ reign at the top ended, only instead of a 9-iron, it was somebody else’s foot.

That is a great soccer parent email.

With a little playoff magic, Super Bowl 50 will be Jacksonville vs. Washington.

The sex stuff this new generation is doing is out of control. Eye play?! That’s dangerous. Someone could go blind. In my day, the only kinky thing we did was watch The Mary Tyler Moore Show while making whoopie on the sofa. If you looked at the screen at the wrong time, sure, you’d climax to Ed Asner, but the worst

Credit card info? Social media? Bank accounts? Cloud storage? Lots of reasons why people want to protect sensitive data on their phone.

Not anymore.

It isn’t “basically” abuse. It is just abuse.

Still better than rooting for the Cardinals though.

Just saw this on my Facebook newsfeed.

Jim Caldwell is as upset as I have ever seen him.

Jeb: No, you hang up first! Haha. Ok we’ll hang up together in 3...2...1... did you do it?

At least now when I yell out “Kobe!” when shooting anything into a garbage can it will be realistic.

As a lonely, desperate alcoholic who can seldom justify drinking before 10am, I fully support this plan.