
Wait a couple months, they’ll back track on this and say they were wrong.

If you are white sure, but beards are an important part of many cultures of BIPOC.

This one time a teacher said something mean to her, ergo the entire system is discriminatory, obv

Lol what?

The educational system is way more geared towards girls. That is why so many young boys are on medication to control their behavior.

The issue is that twitch doesn’t want to be a camgirl site. If twitch backed off its modesty guidelines then it’d be all porn within the hour. Given that anyone can start streaming without any age verification it means that twitch would also need to start investing time, energy and money in child porn prevention.

But it’s perfectly fine for anyone and everyone to make fun of White people because it’s “punching up” even though one’s race does not equate to their societal status, influence or power?

You’re being ridiculous. You never joke around with your friends? Hell the majority of male friendships are based around roasting one another. You realize there is a distinct difference between words and actions, correct?

You guys are beating this horse deader than a cracked out transwoman sex worker.

I think the issue is that they’re all driving on the wrong side of the road.

It may be time to realize that Dave is just fucking with everyone re this controversy, and not take all these comments seriously.

WTF is wrong with you? We’re 2 years into this fucking thing and common sense still seems to allude way too many of you guys.

Have you always been a moron?

How about you put the blame where it belongs. The federal government has no fucking business meddling in people private healthcare.

Think of the situation with the genders reversed. Your son playing well in the soccer field, and all the girls going crazy about him! And then someone points that out. Will you be equally offended? Perhaps not. I understand that the situation is not the same if the gender roles are reversed, and we need to dive deeper


At the same time, I’ve seen more than a couple women complain bitterly that their fathers never told them they were pretty. And as a guy, it would’ve done my self-esteem some good if I’d been told I was handsome every once in awhile. It’s a matter of balance.

All of those suggestions are fine. But there is absolutely nothing wrong with saying how pretty a girl is. 

That analogy is completely off the mark. Drinking as a minor has been convincingly shown to have major health and other wellbeing implications for the (any) individual.

I wonder what happens to a parent’s Social Credit Score if they give the ok to bypass the restrictions?