I got banned from io9 without ever leaving the greys and I have no idea why.
I got banned from io9 without ever leaving the greys and I have no idea why.
Just. Don’t. Tweet. That’s the main lesson here. There is literally no upside to using Twitter in 2021.
And, here’s the thing. He did, long before he started guest-hosting.
Here’s the other thing.
We’ve heard now that Richards was involved in selecting which clips got shown to the decision-makers... How involved was he in the focus group process, where “the succession plan started unraveling”? I mean, it sounds like…
That gets him canceled? Jesus. Really? What ever happened to just saying, “Dude, that was a dick comment. Say sorry and don’t say that shit anymore.”
Am I wrong for loving his music but hating his scandalous ass?
Those are obviously bigger issues. They’re also not what the article is about, so I didn’t bring them up. I brought up an example of similar online harassment because that’s the topic covered by the article. I can be concerned about all of the things you mentioned plus this thing.
Is your stance that this isn’t worth…
Cool. So talking about separating the role from the actor - in the comments section of an article dealing with that very thing - is something we should avoid talking about in favor of the several existential threats we’re dealing with?
Your responses are so odd. I’m starting to think you are an AI.
Ooh boy, when are we going to cancel Mark Hamill for all the horrible things the Joker has done over the years?
Hilarious to pretend this publication hasn’t directly and indirectly supported the rise of this kind of discourse.
I mean for years all these people have been told that every feeling they have is valid so this really isn’t that surprising
The inability of these people to clearly separate fiction from reality is alarming. It reminds me of Wyatt Russell being harassed over the actions of the fictional character he played in Falcon & Winter Soldier. What is their goal? Do they just want stories with no villains and no characters that ever do bad things?
So, the content warning accurately reflects the game's content, but people made bad assumptions about that warning and are now mad at the dev and want the dev change the game itself?
I am offended, therefore I exist
He was talking about the fucking logistics of the release, being an experiment. Nothing the fuck at all about the movie being the first Asian MCU movie or whatever the fuck Liu started into. Holy shit.
I am in the privileged group, so I’m happy to defer to those who are more affected by the experience.
Another factless article on the Root. Here are some details from actual journalist;
Despite the grumpy commenters, and not having strong feelings one way or another about Ariana Grande, this is conceptually one of the coolest things I’ve seen in video games in recent years, and I would have been absolutely thrilled by it back in high school. The merging of a live music event and gaming into an…
They didn’t lose their lives. They were KILLED.