
With you here. If you destroy someone’s life and livelihood, don’t be surprised if they don’t grow. There has to be room for people, especially children, to learn from their mistakes. I said all manner of horrible shit when I was a teenager. I’m still ashamed of some of the worst of it. But I was lucky enough to grow

It would be a culture shock for anyone brought up in his environment. Does the West determine what the rest of the world can say? Does that warrant all the very personal attacks on kid in this thread alone?

It may be 2021, but the majority of people in the kid’s country probably still shares the same opinion as him. Heck, majority of people in the world probably shares the same opinion as this kid.

Wait till he finds out what the people from his religion do on their personal time when not throwing stones...

Are you telling me the Danny Glover cameo in “Maverick” isn’t delightful EVERY SINGLE TIME????

Giving Hamill an Indy cameo will be really cool the first time you watch it, and really fucking stupid every time after.

Or “he didn’t like the odds.”

Oh man, perfect. Indy walks into the bar and tells whoever he’s with to sit at the bar while he goes finds a pilot. He goes the the back of the bar and sits down across from Mark Hamill but you don’t hear any of the dialogue (since the shot is still on who was sitting at the bar). Indy comes back.


I think they’re a perfect fit.  Snyder is pretty much the platonic ideal of the mainstream action director which will slot just fine into Netflix’ current model where quantity outweighs quality.

We’re going to apologize for decades of racist portrayals of non-white people by....replacing them with monkeys!  

Can’t wait to see the new film from Troika White Titties!

Good point - we don’t want any monocles popping out on our accounts!

Not only in the title but in the opening sentence.

Also, maybe we should explain now, because someone will find our comments unseemly once the typo has been fixed. Better yet, let’s say nothing. Let them think us rogues. Wai tit indeed! 

Wai not tit? 

Wai tit?

I think I’m just tired of Rick and Morty. Like, the show is technically good in the sense that it still gets some good jokes out every now and than but the show is just not interested in actually growing the characters past the point they already are. Which is frustrating because they keep teasing the idea of

Why the hate? Someone’s gotta fork over the big bucks if our governments won’t. Let the Bazillionare Space Race commence, and godspeed, I say. We’ll get some actual technological advancements that will further mankind’s journey into the cosmos, while also having a chance to witness some one-percenter explode on

What an incredible waste of publicly-funded resources.