
Nah, I don’t think so. I think the cringe factor is fair.

Yikes, what a mess this show turned out to be.

I liked the look in general, but it reminded me a bit of the initial Batman Begins costume. He looks a bit chonky, as if it’s hard for him to turn his head.

I was disappointed the title at the end wasn’t “Captain America and Bucky”. Or “Captain America and the White Wolf’”. Like, the whole show was about both of them growing beyond their old handles and limitations! Obviously Sam’s transformation is a little more flashy but still.

How is it legal to buy that much explosive for recreational purpose?

If God didn’t mean for us to reveal the gender of fetuses with massive explosions, then why did he have Jesus invent gun powder?

I dunno, I’m not sure what to think about something until my favorite brands like WB Media and Arby’s tell me what to think via Twitter or Instagram.

The ship has been interned by a belligerent foreign power. Based on my understanding of The Sea, the honorable thing would be for the crew to scuttle the Ever Given rather than let it fall into enemy hands.

well this girl was trying to kill someone else so in that case it was the correct decision.

Are you kidding ?

Nearly every initial press account of this incident- which was based on the secondhand accounts of family members- was completely contradicted by the bodycam footage. Heres a picture of the dead girl about to plunge a six inch knife into the woman in pink

Personally, I choose to embody the golden rule.  I treat people the way they treat others.  It is obviously how they prefer to be treated.

Hate to tell ya, but critical thinking in most schools went the way of the dodo a long time ago. And yes, it was absolutely deliberate. Can’t have white, Black, Indigenous, and Brown people uniting a la Fred Hampton (exactly why he was a victim of a government death squad).

That wasn’t my experience. I was taught the “Golden Rule”. To treat others how I want to be treat. I tend to take it farther and treat others with love any when they don’t deserve it but that’s my choice. Hate just breeds more hate. Not saying I’m perfect. Everyone has some kind of bias towards someone. I work on

I’m confused by the logic of this article. In essence, it says that white Americans have made consistently bad decisions, but then goes on to suggest that we should listen to white Europeans (i.e. the inventors and practioners of most of the reforms Mr. Harriot cites as necessary. I mean...Norway?)

Can someone honestly explain to me why it is that for decades gay men seem to have some readily accepted godgiven place as the deciders of what women must and mustn’t wear in terms of clothes and makeup as the “perfect look”?

Please do a follow up on how to deal with people who create a zero-gravity environment for themselves by firmly establishing that the only real truth is how they feel about something.

I now finally know what the term “gaslighting” means. Thank you!

So the very same acts you condemned Trump for are now OK because you’re doing them?

But this does sound VERY “Top of the Lake”... (isolated setting, missing girl, troubled female detective with parental issues...)