
I hope Roll up Your Sleeves includes some conservative politicians and celebrities. I think a lot of vaccine hesitancy is based around “owning the libs.” People like that are not going to listen to Fauci, Michelle Obama, and Lin-Manuel Miranda. It is unfortunate that everything around COVID has been politicized, but

The bear was German?

Personally, I don’t think it’s right or okay to SHAME anyone. That said, the problem I see with “fat acceptance,” in its various forms, is that, quite scientifically, being overweight is unhealthy, in so many ways. That is why I personally do not condone the idea that “it’s okay to be fat.” I would like to see

I don’t get it either. I guess numbers that big start to lose meaning for a lot of people. I get being excited about a rhetorical flourish (and I do think he’s a pretty talented writer, as much as people occasionally give him shit), but there were so many steps in between that should have saved him even without an

I try not to be a jerk since everyone (certainly including me) makes mistakes but there have been some real doozies lately, including an article by William this week that was partly premised on an easily verifiable falsehood (that smoking weed in NYC parks was legal). I’m genuinely dumfounded how an experienced writer

This one blows past making me angry/sad about the declining editorial standards of the AV Club and just makes me feel bad for the author for having written it. They really shouldn’t let professionals write without a net like this. I miss Keith Phipps.

That $465 million budget? It situates just one season of Tolkien life in between Israel and Ireland—as in, the countries—on the list of national gross domestic product. It’s a lot of money, is our point.

Reminds me of this..

two cultures rubbing up against each other in unusual ways.”

Japanese commenters wondered why stripping was an issue in Japan when paid sexual services were not <-
Honestly as a larger sociology question, I actually want the answer to this.

Why was it removed exactly? Is the word porn offensive now?

Yeah, stooping (even somewhat) to his level will sure show him!

The performance was pretty gross.

While these FCC complaints truly are ludicrous, it would behoove this article to maybe acknowledge that there is some legitimacy to not wanting young kids to see this? Instead of getting all sanctimonious about “sexual agency” (is that really your argument here)?

On the other hand, I’m not exactly wondering what could possibly have compelled her husband to seek affection outside of his marriage...

Selling something that belongs to your husband because he cheated on you is called ‘theft’.

On first glance I read it as Final Battle. Even after reading the article it took me a second to realize why you thought it was Anal Battle.

Yeah but Couper isn’t wrong about epistemology.

Every time one of these social media brand things happens, I am reminded that behind the faceless corporation is some 19 year old college sophomore full of their own shit.

“Worst of the internet personalities” is an odd way to say “benignly annoying”.