
The entire game is based around following your family, and their legacy throughout history. If you can’t have children, you’ve got to have an entirely new system for adopting, and allowing the ‘continuance’ of your family through non-genetic means. It’s not BS at all, it’s literally just a larger system than the

The problem is that the sort of full mea culpa that might appease the crowd means surrendering any nuance to an issue, and generally taking on a greater amount of responsibility for a situation than would otherwise be fair to apportion.

In doing so you’re giving the Internet, of all places, a stick to beat you with

1.2 million is ‘middle class retirement, if you’ve got the house paid off and don’t plan on buying more cars’. It’s only ‘private island and private plane’ money if you’re renting both for a week before you go back to work.

Naw she knows what she did and damn you for making me side with the police! I may never forgive you.

No. No. Yes.

That and improving his automated dog feeding machine.

Then Johnny 5 came in and shot that bot in the head with the death ray. For a hamburger.

This is what Doc Brown would be frittering away his life on if he hadn’t married that chick from the old west.

This is the first time I’ve watched an Oliver segment in a while. When did his delivery become so fast and so monotone?

I don’t even know how to dismiss a reply.

I think young activists fall into a trap of vehemently insulting people and then wondering why those people don’t become allies. There’s an expectation that people should be willing to endure hazing and meanness before being welcomed to the progressive side of things, even though no mentally and socially healthy

It’s not even that they’re exactly wrong on the facts but they’re presenting them in a way that’s wildly unproductive. Like, even if they do successfully manage to convince people that America as a concept is rotten to it’s core and that anything positive its accomplished is bullshit... what is anyone supposed to do

I think the focus on America in a vacuum is odd. America had slavery for longer as a British colony than as an independent nation. Columbus was Italian and sailing for Spain. We have to reckon with the lasting impact on real people for sure (because we are upholding those systems), but I don’t understand this

It’s kind of weird to me how every generation seems to “discover” that America has done some bad things to African Americans and Native Americans and feel the need to teach us this unknown fact in the most edgelord way possible, but the recent generation seems to be unique in their assumption that they’re the first

There’s no way they can legally publicly release a video of a bunch of people’s toddlers.

True. However, the West didn’t write the playbook either. It’s been with us as long as Mankind has been here. One of the more disturbing characteristics of our species is our tendency to label a group as “other” and then use that label to justify our actions against that group. Every empire in history has used that

Unfortunately, Western Civilization didn’t corner the market on imperialism. Take a look at what China is doing to it’s ethnic minorities. They’re following the very same playbook Peck refers to in Extinguish all the Brutes.

Credit where credit is due: It’s a very diverse panel of lunatics.

The royal apologists are out here in full force. In addition to being Queen Elizabeth’s beloved husband, he was a racist who

I think the correct response, when you’re part of a group of three and there aren’t enough chairs, is to remain standing while someone fetches another chair. Simply sitting down and posing for the cameras as if nothing was amiss was where they went wrong.