
Probably, but I thought the actual content mattered a bit more, such that full text made sense.

Thank you, Whiggly, for a great response to the race inciting article.

R/askhistorians, which is largely written by professional historians, had an assessment of the theory earlier this week, and the overall impression I got is that tipping is about as tied to racism and slavery as moveable type is to antisemitism:

If a citizen engages in journalistic behavior, they ought to be held to the same standards of a journalist.

Maybe what we are seeing is another rise of the “amateurs”. Like how Charles Darwin saw himself as an amateur and how being a professional scientist was seen as lesser, since it was not for the “noble pursuit of knowledge”.

Should receive a permanent ban, especially for trying to enter the store while there was still an active shooter likely firing at people. Getting in the way of police, ignoring them, etc. Zero tolerance for this bullshit.

“ It mostly works. How much more can we really expect?”

It mostly works. How much more can we really expect?”

For some reason I originally read that as ‘Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade had a Dedicated Team of Lightning Experts’

“She could write a book, she would do a world of interviews. She knows where all the bodies are buried.”

My favorite thing from the Crusades histories is how the Christians in the East, Latin or Greek, always ended up with a much different attitude than the ones coming from the West.

“Also, to be superficial for a second? Green is absurdly gorgeous in this movie”

Eva Green elevates everything she’s in.  Even garbage like that 300 sequel or that stupid Miss Peregrine movie are entertaining when she’s on screen.  She is one of my favorite actors in film.

You could have stopped at Eva Green rules.

Eva Green pretty much rules whatever she is in. 

OHNOES I’m burning my collection of Ozzy albums immediatly.

They should falsely confess they’re racist and lynch themselves on IG livestream for the amusement of the masses.

It’s funny. My is an officer (he’s off dealing with PTSD from all the shit he’s seen atm) and he’s not racist, only ever pulled out his gun once in around 20 years on the job and has probably helped more people in his average shift than most ACABers - including yourself - will in a year, or maybe even your lives. But,

This is why I roll my eyes when certain people say they want more “nuanced” depictions of the police in media. “Nuance” hasn’t been a viable part of “the discourse” since 2000 (if not longer). People on the Left don't want "nuance". They want police to be depicted as The Bad Guys. Period.

Sure. But there’s a wide gulf of difference between a rapist and a guy who is just spouting uncomfortable shit online during is free time. Such as one being illegal and the other not.