I feel like that would fit in a family guy episode perfectly with someone shooting themselves.
Shouldn't it be two samurai, two swords, six bullets?
It is not someone's job to place ads around articles. Ads are bought in a paper, then they are placed in a layout, and then editorial content is placed around it. Someone down the line working on the editorial side should catch this but then knowledge of which ad is where is often kept to a minimum so as to not…
Sony and Sega are like the only ones to use logical naming schemes for their systems. Sega called every system they made a different name entirely, and Vita aside, Sony justs slaps the next sequential number to the name. Nintendo does this odd thing of introducing a new system and if the system is a run away success,…
Eh, these games have never appealed to me. I prefer to play the hero.
This is a good trailer. But there's nothing like the Assassin's Creed: Revelations trailer, in my personal opinion, it is the greatest trailer of all time.
'The problem isn't the name, the problem is we don't have any software for it'
These feel like a meme of some sort. Absurdly specific interpersonal problems solved by playing PS3.
I want to see an experiment that actually has balls. I want all the tough guys decrying video games to sit in a room with an 8 year old watching My Little Pony or Barney or Sesame Street. Then I want them to give the 8 year old a loaded .38 and I want them to take a nap. I want them to do it 100 times in a row just so…
Cable news finds out that you can run over people in real life. No one cares.
"Definitely not for children. Definitely not for MY children"
That was awesome. How old do you suppose that dude was? Mid 30s? And he was pretending that he had no concept of what video games were like. Teach me, sir, how to play one of your violent video games.
People making a stink over the sexism aspect are a bunch of hot air as I see it. Suda 51 games are all about tapping into the inner id of gamers and embracing the insanity that comes with doing so. The 'giggolo mission' elements are so over the top and so comedically made (if anything, that segment of the game makes…
To drive a car you need to pass a test and have at least 50 hours of supervised driving under your belt. In addition, every single car on the road must be registered with the department of motor vehicles and most states require at least liability insurance for every driver. And let's not forget the 4th amendment…
I was just getting the point across. They shouldn't be handled freely, but I'm going back to your original post where you said they shouldn't be handled at all by anybody outside of a uniform. Period. Since you never repositioned your stance, the analogies fit. Personally, I think there ought to be certain licenses to…
Car accidents are often caused by somebody deliberately doing something in poor judgement. A life is a life whether crushed in a car or taken by a bullet. If you want to reduce the number of people who die each year through unnatural causes, you can't pick and choose which ones count and which ones don't. Why wouldn't…
It wouldn't, actually. I have to clean it, etc., and I'd rather do that here, where there is space, quiet (ranges can be jarring with the constant crack of gunfire), and no chance of anybody but me potentially mishandling a firearm. Risk is actually less, in this case; I know what I'm doing, but I don't know that…
Well, there are those who would want to tax you extra for playing video games. There are those who want to tax you for driving a vehicle that gets great gas mileage. In Europe's case, they tax your automobiles based on displacement...which is utterly stupid because those tiny sports car engines are even less efficient…
True, and that's why guns are seen as so dangerous. That's why guns replaced the bow. They are also poorly regulated here in the USA, and so when somebody feels murderous there is often a firearm nearby. I wager that when the killing urge strikes, you go for the nearest weapon. As they say, 1 + 1 = 2.