
I don’t use iOS, but I close all of my apps when I’m done with them except for a couple of apps that I pin. It’s not that I’m worried about battery or anything, it’s that I like to keep my active app list clean. When I’m switching back and forth between multiple apps, I don’t want to have to scroll through apps that

That’s just their excuse. Yes, they could keep prices the same, but that would mean they made less money, and that would be unacceptable.

Yeah, morons like to say “but prices go up if wages do” in the whiniest tone of voice. And it isn’t an either/or situation. Because the third option is the one where the problem really lies. The third option is that prices can stay the same, or even go down, if they pay the boardroom guys and shareholders less.

I’m not denigrating a damn fine fish with the name of that rat-bastard.

I am getting anxiety just by looking at this.

While I don’t have any issues with this being the case, I still wish they would have done a remake of the original game as well. Or even just a remaster with upscaled or redone backgrounds and models and fixing the janky translations.

Bomb was part of one of this guy’s plans to take over the tri-state area.

No matter how much you stan for him, Elon is never going to notice you.

Sandor “The House” Clegane is my favorite character.

They aren’t remakes.

“Yeah, my truck only gets 1/3 of the advertised range. But that’s only because of the weather. And my driving at highway speeds. Sure, the infotainment screen stopped working for multiple hours on end. But it finally worked again! And these things weren’t made for the current infrastructure because of the cables being

Smaller boxes, higher prices I’m sure.

Now suddenly everyone’s like “Oh boy, now they can bring in Dr. Doom to replace him for the rest of the multiverse saga!”

I am here to read comments about the article. Not complaints. There’s a lot of us that are just fed up with ALL commenters complaining about an article. Can you just focus on article content?

“I hate this politics shit!” [clicks link] “Why can’t I just read about cars stuff here.” [leaves comment] “That’ll show ‘em.” [shits pants]

We don’t have to be active participants in your willful ignorance.


You must have a lot of time on your hands if you can bear dealing with unexpected minor and major issues on NEW cars. Reliability does matter. Time taken out of my day(s) to take a car to a dealer to get something fixed that shouldn’t have been a problem to begin with is a major inconvenience. I could be doing other

Law doesn’t say how long they have to be a Republican,or that they have to remain a Republican in office.  Have someone register as a R, appoint them, and immediately flip.