
I refuse to join any club that would have me as a member.”

I love how people discount Wikipedia just because it’s Wikipedia without actually realizing that the whole point of its existence is that the information presented can constantly be checked, revised, argued over, cited and rechecked.

Those people are horrible.

Here’s one not-illegal-but-fucking-infuriating: you need to turn left at a four-way stoplight-controlled intersection. There’s a car in front of you. The light goes green. That car does not move in to the intersection to wait for their turn to go left, but stays behind the limit line. And then, when the light goes

Welp. I own a Z Fold 5 and I dislike the crease. I like the phone in general, but the crease annoys me just enough to be... annoying.

Once or twice a week I miss my left turn arrow because someone going straight hasn’t the decency to to inch forward so the cars behind don’t block the entrance to the turning lane.  Seriously, give yourself six feet to the car in front, you don’t need thirty feet.  

This isn’t so much a violation as it is an annoyance. I’m not sure if this is common everywhere, but I often run into situations at four way stops where I’m clearly not the first person there, and the other person will sit there and then wave me through. Another is a person stopping to let me turn left in heavier

Yes, when I have a flat tire, it’s always with a pre-production car that I abandon and cover with a tarp.

I swear, he is intentionally trying to destroy the platform and run it into bankruptcy.  

Wait, so are you telling me that when you change a mainline game of a storied franchise from the genre it helped build into a pretty but otherwise mediocre action game, fans who didn’t preorder aren’t interested? 

You have to realise that, although each plate was $100k, The Donald has expenses to cover - admin fees, payment processing, currency hedging reserves, taxes, bribes, etc. - which means that Rudy only got about 1% of the take :-)

This is so obviously and purely gloating that these fuckwits may have just cost the Dems the Presidency.

JFC. It’s time to put this to bed once and for all. There is no such thing as a “religious employer”. And YOUR personal beliefs do not give you permission to trample the rights of other people in any way, shape or form.

Yep, that’s more or less what I was getting at when I said Meta will eventually close it down. That way they can just roll everybody back into Instagram.

In the same vein, don’t gatekeep the people who are disappointed in how the game turned out either.  It’s as okay to be disappointed as it is to be hyped.

Every new announcement about 16 was met with reactions like “this doesn’t really feel like Final Fantasy to me” and “I’ve been a big fan of the series but I don’t know about this one” and people just felt the need to say like “come on, every Final Fantasy game changes, that’s how it’s always been, don’t be afraid of

Sometimes I feel like the fandom as a whole wants to gatekeep people like us who aren’t happy with the direction the games are going. It’s pretty fucking toxic.

It’s fine that people like the game, but it’s also fine that we aren’t feeling it.  Game series isn’t for us anymore and that blows, but it is what it is.

Sad story. Fuck that HOA bitch. But the last part where the towing company came through?  I could die now, because I think I’ve heard it all.  Kudos to them for doing the right thing.

The earliest dates that are used to define Gen Z are 1995-2012. Half of this generation aren’t of legal age but hey, damn those 13 years old who are killing the booze industry, right?