
This woman was never “scared.” She wanted to murder her neighbor, researched the best way to do it, and baited that poor woman into walking up to her door so she could shoot her.

Up through Nibelheim? Christ, the second game doesn’t even finish the first disk.

Haha, they’re really making this into a stealth sequel series, aren’t they? Remake and Rebirth taken literally.


Loving the new assets! Only a matter of time, now, until we get that sweet sweet fan game, Final Fantasy VII Restored, which plays like the original game and leaves the story the fuck alone.

New trailer looked exactly like my feelings on the first game: 95% of it is everything I wanted, but the remaining 5% is *so egregiously bad* it ruins the whole thing.

I absolutely loved FFVII back in the day, but I still don’t plan on buying any of these partial remakes until they’ve finally released the entire game. That said, this does look pretty damn good.

I said THE Real FFVII

My first car in 1996 was a beige ‘87 sedan with the 4 cylinder. The boringest Mustang that ever was. 88 thumping horses strong. Didn’t have many issues, but it threw a rod right before I was to leave for a cross-country internship and I sold it to a work friend for a couple hundred dollars. His brother drove it to and

Because the rise of a conservative fascist is relevant to all Americans. And you’re kidding yourself if you think he wouldn’t start policing video games.