Ol' Jamie

I love that episode! I’m pretty sure the AV Club’s reviewer thought it was too on the nose, if I recall correctly, but that’s exactly what I loved about it. Well, that and Charlie’s song at the end.

You’re not wrong—even with its growing popularity, I’d still say Always Sunny is more of a “cult” show.

If there’s anyone whom I believe WON’T turn out to be a creep, it’s Charlie Day. He seems like a pretty decent person. Then again, one never knows—a couple weeks ago I’d have said something similar about Kevin Spacey.

If I’m ever President, I will implement this as policy. After all, it’s what I’d be doing anyway!

She is a total badass, as far as I’m concerned.

I absolutely love Man of Tai Chi, I think it’s a fantastic little movie and I wish more of my friends would see it. That said, Snowpiercer is the perfect choice for this column. Dark as it is, Snowpiercer is an absolute delight, maybe my favorite movie of 2013 (or a close second, at least).

Gross, but also accurate.

It would be cool to see that version, just ‘cause I like extremely long movies. But unlike the theatrical version of the first Blade Runner, I don’t feel like this movie has any horrible flaws that could be corrected with a new version (that gods-forsaken narration, for example).

I don’t understand where the hypocrisy comes in, but I also haven’t seen anyone claim that everyone knew, so fair enough. But I think one group deciding they’re not going to give him an award due to his actions shouldn’t be taken as an indicator that everyone’s going to start trying to pretend they never gave him any

“In light of recent revelations that you are, in fact, a total shitbird, we don’t feel anymore that you deserve this award we were about to give you.” How is that revisionism?

I was thinking that too... extra creepy.

Not even then! ... Okay maybe a little bit then.

Don’t you DARE. I wouldn’t be able to handle that.

Man, I never thought I’d say this, but fuck Kevin Spacey.

Sounds interesting... just hope it doesn’t get a bunch of ignorant people pointing at it and saying “See? What we’ve been saying about Jews is true!”

This sounds pretty bad, which is unfortunate—I really love Alfredson’s past work, and I’m always rooting for Michael Fassbender, who is just great (even if his filmography doesn’t always reflect it).

Especially since Rashomon is Japanese...

This is the best answer I’ve seen.

I cannot argue with this.

What peaceful demonstration are YOU thinking of? The one where the white supremacist psychos came loaded with torches and weapons? Yeah, I’m not going to tell people that they can’t go to a counter protest for something like that completely unprepared to defend themselves from the violent goons chanting for their