Olivia Pope's Wine Glass

My girlfriend is Australian and I just spent some time visiting her family over our Thanksgiving holiday and I was midly dissapointed that I did not come across any sharknados or something of equal Australianess.

Good for you. It hasn’t happen recently, but I’ve played that card before and people never know what to say. It’s fun to see them dig their hole deeper and deeper.

I wear them around my thumb. Not sure how I started doing that— can’t stand them around my wrist, but I usually have one looped around my thumb with zero problems.

It really depends on where you go. I'm on the west side so I usually head up to Malibu to do trail runs. Less touristy and more people being actively active.

You guys. I don’t have many fears— heights/snakes/clowns/closed spaces/whatever don’t really bother me but I am so scared of death. The only reason I wish I grew up with some sort of religion is because having the safety net belief that something exists out there after you die is really comforting to me.

You guys, I’m so sorry that so many of your parents are horrible people. Come borrow mine sometime, they’re pretty nice and may only comment on times you accidentally color your hair too dark.

Way to be an asshole on a post about a dead baby. I'm sure you're fun to have around the dinner table.

Ooooooo. This should be liked approx 1000 times.

Definitely earlier than high school.

Did she get work done or is it just the better hair? This version of Kate looks nothing like my memories of Kate.

Would also watch.

I don’t live with my significant other and while I do like sleeping with them, I need a big bed and lots of space.

Wait, what?

It's an improvement over his typical hair. Still revolting af, but an improvement nonetheless.

I live (and work) in Santa Monica and now I'm hugely disappointed that there has been no The Rock sightings for me. He seems like a delight.

Yes, please. She's a little kooky but I'm fluent in French so we can be kooky together in two languages.

i actually have no idea why I wrote that... I usually work out in the morning, not after work. No kids and living less than two miles from my office definitely helps! I work a lot but being near almost everything I do helps out a ton. (Especially in LA, where I live...)

I don’t know how anyone does it, really. I feel like on good days, I can barely handle taking care of myself.

I haven’t slept with a man since Bush was in office and there is literally no way possible I could become accidentally pregnant—yet it crosses my mind ever. single. time.

Hahaha... Happy that I’m not alone!