Olivia Pope's Wine Glass

Completely agree. The issue doesn’t go away with time and just gets more and more difficult as a relationship progresses if both people aren’t on the same page.

nope, nope, nope.

I grew up in a household vaguely similar. My mom isn’t American, and mostly didn’t (and still doesn’t care) for the city my parents live in. She rountinely spends chunks of time back in Denmark where’s she from, or France where some of our family lives. She used to take us kids for entire summers growing up, traveling

It really is a dealbreaker, isn’t it?

Trying to talk my girlfriend into letting me hang this poster in our bedroom.

My vote is to commission George W. to paint the portrait. Have you seen his work with dogs?

I’m not a bif sour candy person, but I do love the watermelon sour patch kids. If I were adding more candy to my list, I would put those and this danish salted licorice candy called salmiak to it.

Yours sounds like a party.

I can’t believe I left this off my list, but:

I’m seeing several people write about having puppies brought in. While I would love that, I’m a bit afraid I would never want to leave. Dilemma.


While I can’t knock your love of Mexican Food, in this fictional world in which we’re on tour, do you think you could handle Mexican every night?

In all fairness, I have a couple of friends that work in the industry, and this is a common topic I make everyone talk about at parties. I’m fun like that :)

Ooh, I like that idea. I may also need my fictional green room to be draped in white.

I live in LA. I feel like I’ve been practicing for this my entire adult life.

+1 Fresh Fruit Tray including melons and grapes.

This is 100% perfect.

Just edited mine to also include premium gin and tonic, good call.

To get started, here’s mine, as thought of right now at this very moment and subject to extreme change:

Side note: can we discuss what would be in everyone’s tour rider?