
I am everyone’s worst nightmare because I like putting garlic cream cheese on a blueberry bagel.

Well, I mean you tried.

You are completely leaving out the Jews, Nazi Germany’s desire to exterminate all of them, and the fact that Poland had one of the largest Jewish populations in the world.

What were the books? I was obsessed with Roanoke when I was a kid. Come to think of it, this fact would go a long way toward explaining my current twinned obsessions of true crime and history.

I...mostly find myself baffled that he doesn’t just go to the grocery store. There are 2 24-hour Safeways near Napa Valley and he’s clearly willing to drive a bit. None of these ingredients would be difficult to find, and we live in the convenience age so it’s not like he’d need to grate his own cheese and make his

Ivanka: if you like pretty shoes but wish they were sadder and dowdier.

I’m not sure that you can claim to have a great marriage on any level if you’re not communicating with one another. At no time does LW #3 say, “I talked to my wife and...” or “My wife says...”

Aaaaaaah imagine you’re that kid and you run across that picture and you’re 18.

People like to say that the best revenge is living well. I think the best revenge is giving no shits, or faking it till you make it and actually give no shits. Who’s to say what living well is or isn’t? Me, I’ll settle for my couch and pomegranate liqueur.

Haha yes! I also think that Eric looks like a vampire. Not a main character, but like an extra on a Buffy episode that just got turned like last week and gets staked in the first three minutes.

Why did you vote for him? Please tell me.

Who did they poll here? Just white people or what?

I was so glad to read this because I was starting to feel rather lonely. Also, I know women seem to always get defensive about their decisions to keep their last names, but it always upsets me at the core of it all that their decisions will always ultimately be supported by the patriarchy and it’s like we’re not

HOW does 45 not stop embarrassing himself with this fucking handshake? Does he truly not have any idea that everyone thinks it’s ridiculous? Also, the only thing keeping me going right now is watching saner world leaders treat him like the incompetent toddler that he is.

LOL Ok. I’ll give you that.

It is so very frustrating that there is always so much resistance to the idea of nuance. Pointing out that Enid and Rebecca and Seymour are sometimes racist (even when trying not to be) does not mean that they are totally good or totally bad people. Nor does it mean that Rich is advocating that we stop liking this

Hey, we tried here in PA but it’s tough out here! I am happy to report that in my neck of the woods more and more “hate has no home here” signs are popping up on lawns to counteract the “we support our local police” and “Trump/Pence” signs. Which makes me think it’s not crazy to imagine things might go a bit better

Funny. I was there with you until I heard her on this interview, and then I thought: she is sounding very presidential. So I’m starting to think Warren 2020 might not be the worst idea ever—of course, we can’t have nice things and sexism so this will never happen.

Except he can’t actually read them so he has to ask other prisoners to read to him and most of them refuse because they think it’s funny. :(