
Yes, rape and stockholm syndrome (at least that's my interpretation of a Viking/Pirate/Space barbarian capturing a virgin and then her falling in love with her captor) was a huge problematic trope in romance novels. In the 70s and 80s. Modern romance writers are much more interested in consent and depicting female

This article was terrific and infuriating. And...ugh. I am so so sorry to be this person but I feel like I need to. So sorry. But—inoculation (or “variolation”) and vaccination are different things. Jenner was inoculated as a child, a medical procedure which clearly wasn’t invented by white Europeans, as this excel

Yes this exactly! I commented this this morning. I wish that I’d ready your comment first, lol.

You know what bothered me also? His use of the word “probably.” He didn’t even bother to watch the hearing. As far as he is concerned, Barr is one of his “people” and his people are taking care of things for him. This is why I like Harris’ style so damn much. She isn’t fucking around. She asks a question and then

I would like to add “oh, but have you tried making your own?” to the the list of things mayo lovers have said to me in disbelief upon my statement that I hate the stuff. God help me but I did. Still hated it. There are very few situations where oil isn't a perfectly good substitute for mayo and others (roast beef

Can you explain how this comment is not racist?

Get out of here with that nonsense. You don’t get to handwave away the fact that in this country’s history we have NEVER had a woman president and that pioneers who ran, like Shirley Chisholm, were a subject of ridicule. Representation matters.

Bernie. STAHP. Throw your support behind one of the other candidates. We weren’t really hurting from the lack of white men running as Dems. We were doing fine.

So I don’t know if you have ever actually tried to get a retail or food service job, but it is highly unlikely that someone is going to be interested in hiring a full time government worker who is going to stop showing up as soon as the shutdown ends. It would be a waste of training and resources. I think the gig

Yeah, that was my thought. It sounds very stressful for actually pretty low pay. Don’t forget you also have to deal with special events!

I totally hear you. I do! I am just a bit worried about no viable woman candidate ever not having a skeleton of some sort in her closet that provokes a similar reaction amongst smart liberal voters. And it makes me feel tired. Because I do sometimes wonder if we will ever see the same kind of reasoned criticisms

Bag on bag crime! Oh my god, I'm dying!

I was chortling at walk the cat but you killed me at crime time, which is mission accomplished I think

Haha. I go back through and delete them because they make me seem deranged when I really think about it.


<3 <3 Moss <3 <3

I used to be much more trusting of people’s dogs. And I grew up with dogs so I know how not to approach a dog. And then one bit me, and another one (huge, being walked on leash) lunged at me suddenly while I was walking down the sidewalk and I just barely got my arm out of the way. Like huge teeth closed around the

“Sailing so close to Florida that they could see the lights of Miami, some passengers on the St. Louis cabled President Franklin D. Roosevelt asking for refuge. Roosevelt never responded. The State Department and the White House had decided not to take extraordinary measures to permit the refugees to enter the

ILLEGAL Kryptonian immigrants.