
At one of my shitty retail jobs, we had a huge problem with teenage shoplifters. That we couldn’t really do anything about because we weren’t allowed to confront anyone who was shoplifting, and our gate sensors were off/broken/just for show. And management on high’s solution was to...start making us go through a

Sorry to hear about your termination. :/

Wait, what? You mean I’m not just really really good at picking out the things that the checkout clerk loves the most? Damnit.

Do you miss Ted Cruz tho?

Wait, really? The guy who sang “Bomb bomb Iran” and thought it was funny? The guy who had an old racist woman say Obama was a Muslim at one of his rallies and his only response was to get uncomfortable and say that’s not true ma’am? The one who was totally fine having Sarah Palin as a running mate? THAT McCain?

But like, there’s a middle ground between hostility and manic smiling all the time, right? Where you’re just wearing your face and you’re nice and all but not like “HI HOWDY HOW ARE YA HOW IS EVERYTHING HI.” I mean, I suppose. Working customer service jobs my whole adult life thus far mostly does not allow me to just

The one time, in middle school, that I called my head tormentor a bitch everyone was so shocked I showed spine that they gave me a week’s reprieve. As an adult, I try to take no shit. Ignoring assholes just makes them try harder.

So much this. I was bullied horrendously on the bus and at school, but when I got home I was safe. My heart breaks for kids who don’t have a safe place.

You are not alone. I wasn’t super into love stories but always liked Much Ado About nothing much better than Romeo and Juliet. I thought Romeo was The Worst and figured Juliet would be better off with Paris.

Ok, so here is something I’ve been wanting to ask an Uber or Lyft driver: what about gas and general wear & tear? Do you end up making enough money driving that you can still make a profit despite car upkeep?

Yeah, so no. Fiction IS real in that it is important to real people who consume that fiction to see representations of themselves within it. It matters, for instance, that popular shows watched by thousands of people keep doing terrible things to women, because they contribute to a sexist pop culture that argues

And while I’m heated up and caffeinated, I want to make a serious argument that the “waves” idea is quite tremendously flawed and should be re-conceptualized.

Do you really think that the 3rd wave “commercialized” feminism, though? I mean, yes on the backlash (I still remember being a wee feminist and being walloped by Faludi’s book because oh my god, YES) but if anything, I see the 3rd wave (which I think started more in the 90s) as women fighting back against both the

For the fact that handshaking is so pervasive here, so many people are cringingly BAD at it. I always hate when I get the limp fish at a job interview.

Ugh yes on tickling. People think that because you laugh you like it, when that is often an involuntary reaction. One of the reasons I am so happy in my relationship with my spouse is because he never tickles me without permission. And it turns out I really, really hate being tickled. Maybe because it was one more way

I doubt the OP is dying to hug and kiss their child 24/7, but it’s normal for non-abusive relatives to want non-creepy contact every now and then. Do you never put your arm around a friend or relative?

That is awesome! I want to model consent for all of my nieces and nephews (and still, as an adult woman, often have found myself in situations where I am forced to hug people I don’t want to hug, so I feel them), so I always say “hug, handshake, or high five?”

Except now I’m bummed that I won’t get to see much of her onscreen because isn’t Mrs. Murray not really in the book much? Except maybe a little at the end? Anyway, this is great news and this movie is going to be so good!

Well, racism, yeah. As already noted. But she WAS so good in Belle, which is a movie I hope everyone saw because it was terrific.