Wearing another culture’s sacred headdress which is only for warriors who have passed certain rituals =/= being a feminist when other people were feminists in the past. I really don’t understand what you’re driving at here.
Wearing another culture’s sacred headdress which is only for warriors who have passed certain rituals =/= being a feminist when other people were feminists in the past. I really don’t understand what you’re driving at here.
Agreed! How amazing would a Nancy Drew tv series set in the 30s or 40s be though (and where she’s in high school, please!)?
I am of course joking
We’ve only been together for seven/eight years, and married for 5+, but one thing we do is make an effort to make time for each other. I know it seems weird, but I’ve been known to sit down at the beginning of the day on a busy Saturday or Sunday with Google Calendar and plan out times to take a walk together, to do…
The only thing that works for me is to have a hard stop time with things that keep my brain busy (like hanging out on Jez!) that’s at least an hour before I want to be in bed, and then sticking to it faithfully. I need a lot of sleep so I need to stop doing computer-things at 9 PM so I can start the long process of…
Do only exactly what is expected of you and no more. Never arrive early and never stay late. And don’t check your work email or answer work calls on the weekend. And start planning fun things for yourself on Fridays or Saturdays (a nice dinner out, a concert, Netflix and pizza, a fun hike, whatever will make you look…
I seriously don’t even get the difference between a “tiny house” and a trailer. Class I guess? I think a trailer would actually be more practical anyway, maybe?
Don’t do it! He’d stink up your sheets in a weird way with his self-obsessed funk. Like, you’d wash them and wash them and they’d just never be the same.
I choose to believe that when he says “any naturally born female” he means “no c-sections, only vaginal births here” but our house is divided on whether if your mom had an epidural you count as naturally born. Anyone???
Well, the cats do keep stealing my hair ties and hiding them, so you may be onto something. Assuming that Bernie Sanders is a cat, which...I mean, do we know for sure that he ISN’T a cat? #thetruth #felineconspiracy
Yeah, her defense of Mel Gibson tho :(
Yeah, but that was almost 30 years ago. Is she not allowed to say “Geez, guys, that was back in the 80's, can we stop now?”?
Me too!
I wouldn’t be able to stop myself from singing “Damnit, Janet, I love youuu,” but then again my net worth is $15.88 and this hair tie I just found under the couch, so I don’t think she’ll be calling me anytime soon.
“You will never make it through life without hearing something awful—especially, and unfairly, if you happen to be a woman or a person of color. You are not safe, be it mentally or even physically (because everyone in America has a fucking gun).”
Yes! Ruby! So am I the only one who was like shut UP, Anne, Ruby’s dying, stop lecturing her on how to do it with dignity or whatever you’re not her mom?
Haha jinx. I guess we both did the same thing. :)
Noooo not Diana, never Diana! It’s Ruby who dies of TB. And gets lectured by sanctimonious Anne about how she’s in denial and needs to die well, to boot! Poor Ruby. Let the girl have her fun, geez ANNE.
I don’t get it. Why not just free-boob? Why wear a bra at all if you’re trying so hard to find one that is but isn’t a bra? Is it the Dreaded Nipple?
“We’re getting death threats!”