
Hmmm. Well, now I’m thinking that supplying your enemies with edible platinum tequila flavored donuts might be an excellent part of a solid revenge plot?

Edible platinum just feels like cheating. For $150, my pastry should be paper-thin and take fourteen hours to make.

I do that! It is so annoying I’m sure, but also my husband has locked us out of things multiple times and one time he borrowed my keys and LOST them, so he puts up with it.

In the 19th century, lots of white men in San Francisco (many of them Irish, who were freshly white anyway) were really angry about Chinese immigrants taking their jobs (unemployment was a huge issue in 19th century California, but was really more attributable to economic unstability brought on by rampant speculation

Sure. Or you’ve been lucky? I definitely classify as working class so maybe it’s a class thing. Like, slumlords be slumming, etc. The point is, though, as a renter you are largely at the mercy of your landlord or rental company. Like employer-based healthcare and maternity leave policies, it is up to them whether they

“Go bang your feminism drum somewhere else.” LOL. Somewhere other than freaking Jezebel, you mean?

I hate the draft. I would hate to potentially be drafted. I would die in .03 seconds in Iraq or Afghanistan. That said, I wonder if one of the biggest problems we’re facing right now as a population is the lack of a draft. If we were all (especially the rich! Especially lawmakers) facing the fact that at any time our

I have been renting for almost a decade and a half in cities on two coasts and have never had a landlord who would pony up for anything but the most major of repairs. Like, if they had no choice. They would just do their best to weasel out of it until there was no other option. I had one landlord in Philly who would

And you have to call your landlord for things like large-item pickups! At least in my area.

Thank you, because this is so true! Also, depending on your landlord, you may end up paying for everything except the most drastic (like, flooding emergency) repairs because your landlord just...will not fix things. Because he or she doesn’t think it’s important. Or maybe they’ll keep telling you it will happen soon,

My number one reason to be fiercely dreaming of homeownership is landlords. This is just the tippy tip of the iceberg, but in the past dozen years I’ve had four men enter my domicile while I was showering or in the bath. FOUR. Three were my landlords and one was a plumber. The plumber knocked and then immediately came

Either you totally missed the point so you’re not super smart, or you’re being obtuse on purpose. Either way, not cute.

Ok, voting for Jill Stein and voting for Trump are diametrically opposed and should not be lumped together. You supported Sanders, he didn’t win, so you want to continue to support the candidate that you think best expresses your values so you vote for Jill Stein, great! I think that the rest of us need to get over

Oh, I took psych too! Let’s break this down.

Happy to help, but also you ARE tone policing other people. Please take a deep breath, think about what that means, and try and get yourself out of the self-defense mindset. It hurts to be told we are being jerks, but sometimes we are wrong and need to own it.

When you see something, say something. It is that fucking simple. Look, no one ever did anything to help when they saw me being followed and harassed in public. I hate it, but I get it. You never know when the asshole following a woman calling her a whore is going to pull a knife on the first bystander to call him on


Saying “but she sucks at her job” on an article about how a woman gets rape threats means you condone those rape threats because she is allegedly not doing a good enough job at her chosen career to please you. That is straight up a terrible thing to say and you are a terrible person if you think it’s ok to say this.

YEAH! Everything you said here and then some. Thank you so, so much for saying this.