
Sounds fine to me! I personally think that every prostitute should take their newborn with them while out prospecting for johns because otherwise it’s bad parenting.

There are no right answers about this sort of thing. Or rather, the right answer is you end it when you feel like it, or not. I stayed in a relationship with a guy after he got blind drunk and peed on my floor (!) for like a year after that.

This is definitely one of those things where you need to ask yourself what you want from the relationship. If more than what you currently have going is never going to happen, are you really and truly fine with that? In my experience, these conversations are usually a turning point, and not necessarily in a good way.

Honestly, I don’t blame her if she picks an old white dude. I think she kind of has to, to secure the votes of racist and sexist citizens. Obama was the first black president, and he picked Biden. There are some people who can hang their hats on that “well, if anything BAD happened to her, at least a MAN would be in

This campaign has gotten so vitriolic that I am not sure he would even concede her victory and/or promote her candidacy, let alone be her VP.

Thanks for the link! I have been staying away from facebook all day to avoid people who think my supporting Hillary is basically the same as running an illegal puppy organ smuggling ring.

I like to think of being in the greys as being in the pit, wrestling with trolls.

Oh thank god I’m not the only one that thought that.

Oh my god. Wendy Davis as VP would be the most amazing thing ever ever.

Crystal is .99 at my grocery store and I am a person. Also I’m a doofus and enjoy calling it “Cristal” so I have just declared it the People’s Hot Sauce.

Hurts so good! Too real.

“The wedding itself was a DIY shitshow, as basically described in the article. I ran myself ragged throwing a party for 50 people (and all the extra kids they thought it was OK to bring without asking). I spent months upon months crafting, cooking, sewing. And for what? It was a cheap, shitty wedding in basically

Even the coolest brides seem to get suckered into these crazy elaborate weddings that have so many separate events (all of which require attendees and bridesmaids to shell out $$$) that they are like a 7 day wedding feast of old. I can’t blame them! Having been a bride who really REALLY wanted to elope and ended up


“Oh, you want us to do that position again even though I get nothing out of it instead of the position I like more? Ok, I guess.”

Yeah, so younger women (people! Men too!) often aren’t that good at sex yet, because they are still learning. I didn’t get confident enough to care whether or not the sex was also good for me until I was in my mid-twenties. Before that, sex was fun but definitely something I did for them/us and not so much for me.

“Laura’s making 90 grand a year? Holy shit, I still make twenty bucks an hour!”

Ooh, what do you use?

I see you and your Dad jokes, Madeleine! Like a finely filtered vodka. ;)

God. This story right here is the epitome of male privilege. Man approaches a woman, finds out she is trans, beats her to death. Blames HER for his crime. Time and time again. I don’t have anything pithy to say. It’s disgusting and appalling behavior.