Wait wait wait, it’s feminism that’s responsible for men peeing everywhere? Down with feminism!
Wait wait wait, it’s feminism that’s responsible for men peeing everywhere? Down with feminism!
Oh geez. :/ I feel you both on how much that sucked and also how infuriating it is that only another guy could shut that shit down.
You are so awesome, and so much co-signed. I just want to say on a lighter note that the last name thing is so fun to play with. I like introducing myself first and then people say “Oh, so you must be Mr. Jones, then,” when in reality he’s Mr. Smith. Oh! And it’s handy for junk mail. Anything for Mrs. Smith is either…
I’m with you. I really REALLY doubt these death threats happened. I think that “people criticizing us and maybe sending a lot of angry emails that called us dickheads” plus “oh we hate this guy anyway and have been looking for an excuse to leave the band” is what happened here. Show me the receipts, etc.
I cannot also help but wonder if the supposed death threats were just a bunch of angry letters calling these guys jerks. It’s just...it is usually the MRAs threatening to rape you to death for writing about computers wrong or something.
Hey! As a grey, I resent that. :( Some of us aren’t human troll dolls, but just not cute or clever enough to get ungreyed.
And how much of the girls social/boys engineering is due to social pressure and conditioning?
I don’t understand. Can you help me understand? I totally understand women of color, for instance, rejecting feminism for being too white-centric, but isn’t it an equal rights thing to allow women the autonomy to make decisions about their own bodies, including being able to get abortions and punish their rapists?
You’re right. Not only is feminism about equal rights but also about men not having the right to control women’s bodies anymore. Which is kind of rude, if you ask me.
Absolutely not! Are you trying to kill your werewolf baby?
I had three classes left out of ten of a pass I purchased and I stopped going back because I was viscerally dreading my weekly yoga class and all because of those damned headstands. I also had an instructor who insisted we at least try. Honestly, I was really enjoying pushing myself in every other aspect. It’s just…
If it’s any consolation, I think that the “mother under the sheet” photos are usually with kids who were alive, because photos took a long time and kids got fidgety. Siblings peering into their deceased sibling’s coffin, or sitting side by side with their dead sister/brother, though...*shudder*
Persevere! You will never quite learn to love her, but you will understand a little bit what might have screwed her up so much.
Oh, he’s an idiot. I just think that people sometimes don’t understand. Like, I have a long commute from Oakland already and we put up with pretty much a slumlord because we can’t afford another apartment in Oakland (we looked! I know!) and if we move we have to go to Richmond or something. And people are like, “just…
I do too, and the commute into SF is a butt and a half. I cannot blame anyone for not wanting to commute 1.5 hours on BART and MUNI every day! Even if they are living in a badly made box.
He takes off his suit and underneath is another suit. Forever.
Ha! I’d barf all over them because that is the WORST pickup line ever.
Delphine :(:(:(
As I just said elsewhere, there was no reason to kill her: