
Can’t they just have them part and talk offscreen, though? I mean, Clarke was LEAVING ANYWAY. There was literally no reason to kill Lexa!


Thank you for this! This, this here exactly, is the problem, and why people are upset.

And by “a stray bullet”?? I mean, COME ON. Let her die as the hero that they built her up to be. But no, they freaking Tara’d her. WTF.

DUDE. I was with you until you pulled out that When Harry Met Sally bullshit. Guys CAN have close ladyfriends, even when they are both straight!

With you on that. Additionally, nothing in his letter says that he actually respects H (she’s mature for her age WTF), who after all deserves someone who doesn’t just see her as safe and comfortable. He needs to dump her and have sex with K followed by the short and tumultuous relationship that will most likely follow.

I think her biggest problem is not running the other way immediately when some guy acts like she’s made of solid gold for being pretty and also liking sports. “You’re a unicorn! Other women are the worst!” NO. RUN, GIRL.

I think that women who are 10s in every way (beautiful, fit, successful, nice, sporty and cool) have as small a dating pool as tall women, to be honest. I’ve known tall women who have no problem dating men shorter than them, but they lament the fact that men won’t date them because looking up at a woman makes them

Ok, but if you really need to know how much liquid, a really easy beginner’s ratio is 1/2 cup oats to 1 cup liquid.

YES. Anecdotally, I was that 19 year old. It took distance and several years to realize he wasn’t dating me because I was just sooo mature that age didn’t matter. He was dating me because age DID matter to him, and older women (read, women in their mid to late twenties!!) were too wise to his shit.

That really sucks, honestly. I will bet being a male entertainer and dealing with boundary-violating bachelorette parties is awful. Also, walking down the street to work =/= working as an entertainer.

Terrific comment, thanks.

Best comment.

Actually, maybe women should just start writing “hey nice tits” to men.

I have good news for you! Kind of, sure, but I’m absolutely not stereotypically hot (OMG FAT EW) and got rejected a LOT but if you figure you get rejected 99% of the time and 1% of the time you go on a date with someone, you just have to expand that 1%. That was my philosophy when dating and sure, I dated a lot of

Yes, what a dick asking to be paid for her work. Wow. God I hate it when I go to the doctor and she asks me to pay for her time. People who charge SUCK.

I wish you had more stars! This is amazing.

I don’t disagree with you, but at the same time, this is a post-Newtown country and STILL, STILL nothing has been done so I think that people who know that at some point they or those they love are likely to be victims of gun violence are looking for something, anything that they can use to hurt the people