Well, girls talking to their girlfriends, to be fair, are not usually interested in men.
Well, girls talking to their girlfriends, to be fair, are not usually interested in men.
Agreed, though I think that the quality of seeing women as a list of pluses and minuses and wanting only women who are tens is a maturity thing. Of course, not every person matures emotionally, but some men grow the fuck out of it, thank god.
No, but poverty is stressful, and stress can enhance our worst qualities. Source: personal experience.
Again, I wonder if the term “financial security” is amorphous. For me, it means doesn’t need me to pay for everything/won’t be always asking to borrow money. It does not matter to me whether the person makes minimum wage or more than me, as long as they have a job.
I wonder if it’s class-based? As a working-class young adult with no college degree making just enough (and not always) to support myself, I always looked for financial security in a partner (and didn’t really find it). Financial security, for me, meant 1)pays his own rent 2)buys his own dinner or can pick up the…
My last response to this person (I made two) was at 11 something AM yesterday. Even if you’re also a woman, don’t tell another woman to be polite. It sounds too much like a tone argument and I have no worries about offending people who care little about the lives of others. Please just think about this in future.
I think that this is the impetus behind projects like iwitness, that chronicle the stories of people who lived through the Holocaust, and yet I agree with you because there are STILL denyers and always will be. Sadly, it is way too easy to brush off colonialism and genocide.
So I am going to respond to you because I don’t think that the person you are responding to is genuinely interested in being reasonable. I mean, being aware of this, do you also find that you try to be aware of other people’s fear? I, a woman who was stalked and followed by aggressive strangers on more than one…
Well....that escalated quickly. Not so sure you’re actually “one of the good ones” if you can go from “my feelings are hurt” to “fuck you she was crazy” in .02 seconds, honestly.
Not here to blame you for having a sexist dad because who here doesn’t have a problematic person in their life but to validate you. I just want you to know that for whatever it’s worth, I, internet stranger, believe absolutely everything you say, and that also that you will find a guy who meets you halfway.
It’s so nice to see that I’m not alone in this, weirdly.
And even then, some men’s response is, “Well, I don’t see him here, so he must be taking good care of you” or “Well, what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him” !(*&DFKAJSDH
So take a different route to the hotel or take the next elevator. As you can see, she’s afraid for a very good reason (you are commenting on an article about a man who murdered a woman in vengeance hours after she rejected his advances at a bar!).
I am so sorry! That sounds awful!
We had to sit in 2 separate middle seats on the way home from getting married. That is why I am extra vigilant about reserving seats these days.
I try to pretend the reveal at the end never happened and it was more like the Clue ending where everybody did it, but I think Dan in general was just the worst. Like, he was always supposed to be this nice guy but was a cheating cheater and also kept backstabbing his so-called friends for his own gain. Yuck, Dan.
Same! No dishwasher and no overhead fixtures wtf. I haven’t had a dishwasher in over a decade but I would jump at the chance to have one. Imagine not spending 5-10 hours a week washing dishes! Imagine not having my nail polish destroyed 24 hours after applying it!
Me too with the sucking it up and the adult acne! The only difference is that I FINALLY gave in and tried Paula’s Choice, which I was leery of. I’m still open to other (cheaper!) suggestions but it’s so nice to have a (less) angry face.