
I like to troll my coworker by eating string cheese that way. Just unwrap it and take a bite. I’m a monster.

Thank you! When you work in a toxic environment, even if you somehow skate by without getting the Eye of Sauron on you for a while, eventually when your bullied coworker gets canned, the attention will turn to you. Case in point: when I worked in one retail establishment, there was always a sort of protegee that our

Well, that kind of thinking is what makes America the kind of country where unions enjoy only marginal success and people regularly protest ideas like universal healthcare and the expansion of the social safety net, so good job being typical I guess?

Well, I think there’s a bit of nuance between having cocktails with your coworkers and backing up their requests for salary transparency and paid maternity leave, don’t you?

There are other advanced post-industrial economies? Pfft. Yeah, right. EVERYONE knows it’s just the Queen of England and a bunch of people living in huts fighting each other in an endless civil war.

Honestly I always bring my lunch but my problem has always been that I have nowhere to eat it. I think that comments like yours, though, indicate a culturally American mentality we all seem to suffer from, namely “what’s good for you isn’t good for me.” Instead of applauding workers that try and stand up for their

I’ve had enough shitty jobs (retail, restaurants, catering, office assistant, intern) to be able to solve this problem. It’s amazing that I’m not queen of the universe already, I mean.


Yeah, really not so crazy! I mean, I know someone who once dated a dude with a thing for diapers. A finger in the ass can be fun for everyone!

People who are weirded out by loving descriptions of women’s breasts in their books give a toss, I suppose.

As the Book Fairy, I’d say it looks like you’d benefit from this one:

Woods=Wood, argh. One month out of school and I’m mixing up theories of Constitution-building with Legally Blonde!

I am reading a Neal Stephenson book and listening to a Tolstoy book and I feel way more comfortable talking about them with acquaintances and internet strangers than 98% of the other books I read regularly now that I’m free of grad school and once more able to choose.

I did that too, one summer, and then I realized I naturally like books by women better because I don’t have the same kind of jarring moments of weirdness when I realize I’m looking at women through the male gaze of the writer, like a woman being described as having cone-shaped, very perky breasts apropos of nothing

So I’m guessing you’re reading Woods and Bailyn and Breen and maybe a little Mason or Cornell, but here’s one if you happen to get sick of political struggles and want a little bit of culture that happens to be written by a woman: http://uncpress.unc.edu/books/T-9008.h…

WOW. Yeah. You somehow managed to completely miss the point of this post (don’t make it about you, privileged white person, and how rad you are for only reading Nigerian women authors this year because god forbid you read them in the scope of your normal reading without making it A Thing You Are Doing) and make it

This is why I advised you to listen to what she has to say. It’s not actually just about reliving the rape (though that is part of it) or not even admitting to yourself till much later that it was rape (another thing she mentions), but also that the justice system so often DOES NOT ACTUALLY WORK for rape victims.

I think that it will be very helpful for you to listen to Courtney Pauroso’s podcast. Don’t skip around. Don’t just listen to five minutes. Listen to the whole thing. Listen to what she says about “why didn’t you go to the police?” Listen to what she says about “why didn’t you talk about it before?”

Yup. :(

(Unfortunately), I think I am fluent enough in racist to understand this. The slavers are probably not white. The slaves are. White slavery was a bogeyman that some white parents used to rein in their wayward white children in the 19th and 20th centuries. As in, if you play too far from home, the white slavers will